Mpb, and eBay mostly
Mpb, and eBay mostly
I’m in my 40s, work a low-risk job, live in a low-risk area, have 12+ years no claims, a clean license. Ignoring the points at which everyone’s insurance gets cheaper as they age, my premiums has gone up constantly. Coincidentally, so have insurance underwriter’s profits. I definitely could have got cheaper insurance if I’d have compromised on cover, or gone with a worse-rated provider, but that’s not my point. The base cost of insurance is set by the underwriters, and that has increased year on year for just about everyone
Are they hell. Has anyone, ever, known their insurance premium to go down? It’s a racket. If they 20 limits are cutting costs, that cost is being turned into further profit, not savings for the customer
I’ve had Mullvad running on a Gli Flint router, and it was perfect until some weird power-cycling issues bricked the router… pita.
I love his work, I’m in the kickstarter for his new book and I can’t wait to see it