I once read a quote by someone that went roughly like “Voting with your wallet means the ones with the biggest wallets get the most votes” and it has stuck with me ever since.
I once read a quote by someone that went roughly like “Voting with your wallet means the ones with the biggest wallets get the most votes” and it has stuck with me ever since.
What would it look like to start from scratch with a massively simplified standard for specifying UIs, based on all we’ve learned since html/css was invented?
Probably a lot better. The difficult, and expensive, part is getting everyone to migrate over to this new standard, not because it’d be unfeasible but because companies don’t want to spend any time or money on things that they don’t think will make them profit.
What we’d need is, for example, the EU realizing that Google’s attempted monopoly on the internet is dangerous and requiring a certain standard for private consumer-facing websites to get the ball rolling.
The point is to cause obstruction and attention. Force them to show that they don’t respect the rule of law so everyone can see it, people like the idea of “mavericks who don’t bend a knee to bureaucracy” but when it’s obvious that they can (and will) take your livelihood without leaving you with any legal recourse, a lot of people are less enthusiastic. And if the courts actually put a stop to their efforts every now and then, it undermines their position of authority and shows that the power they claim to wield isn’t as far-reaching as they’d like to pretend.
They want people to give in without a fight, they want people to silently just accept their authority. Don’t give it to them for free.
I was hoping it was gonna be that video! One of the few times I will agree that size matters.
According to Einstein, you can sit on a hot stove.
Anything that makes it even a little bit harder for Russia to torture and rape another country’s population is money well spent.
Anyone who ever says “I don’t make mistakes” should immediately be distrusted.
I would like to note that Luigi has not been found guilty of anything and that both him deserving the presumption of innocence as well as the shooting being justified can be true at the same time.
The police are trying to convince the public that he did it so they can make a show out of punishing him to deter future acts against the rich, we shouldn’t do part of their job for them.
I think most western governments aren’t totalitarian dictatorships that are willing to burn through public funds in order to gain geopolitical advantages over their adversaries.
Do note that if China gains a market advantage, the price will likely go up to reflect the real cost of production.
I think the tariffs are because the Chinese government seems to be pumping money into the electric car industry so they can keep prices artificially low and corner the market, then use their market position to extort other countries into giving in to their totalitarian politics. The more dependence we have on China, the more power the CCP wields internationally.
I’m not sure that fawn feel much fear since they’re supposed to lie in one spot and wait for their mother, a quick search turned up “Very young fawns do not appear to have any natural fear of predators, and may even walk up to humans” although I haven’t been able to conclusively verify the claim.
Oh my god, that picture of your dog carefully smelling it might just make my heart explode.
“And I had to do all this just to say that the environment is fucked.”
AOC? An ambitious woman who just barely will have squeezed past the minimum age requirement by the time of the election and half the country has decided is a communist? Don’t get me wrong, I think she’d be a fantastic candidate, maybe even the best, but I sincerely doubt that she’d poll better than Biden, even considering his horrendous performance in yesterday’s debate.
The noise cats make before they throw up.
Are you implying that helping and saving people is not worthwhile if it doesn’t immediately put an end to the war?
This is how I know you’re a troll:
My point is that Russia has been and is entirely capable of waging that same kind of brutal, truly monstrous Western military campaign. They have chosen not to for a variety of reasons
The Russians have been conducting absolutely horrifying crimes against humanity since the start of the war and, in fact, at least since World War 2. There is so much rape and torture embedded in the way that the Russian military operates that killing civilians, which is unconscionable and horrifying, is the least of their crimes.
The Russians could leave Ukraine today and the war would be over. Full stop. There is no justification for anything else.
Even Andor?
What’s the joke?