I forgot my peaches
House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski.
Insulting someone via stereotype doesn’t show that they’re wrong. You’ve added less to the discussion than the person you’re attempting to mock.
Christians changed the calendar because that’s what religious people do
That’s a reductionist take. They wanted to inject their religion into culture and constantly remind everyone about it. It certainly does not define what is or is not a religion.
So atheists want to change the Calendar because… ?
Because we don’t share the Christian assumption that their religion deserves to be named in our timekeeping system. It never should have been put there in the first place, and we’re undoing the mistake.
Yeah atheism is a religion. Y’all are just in denial about it.
Not wanting to reference someone else’s religion every time you refer to a date does not make someone religious. This is a silly take, and I think you know it.
No, a conspiracy is when people get together and conspire, i.e. they develop a secret plan of action for nefarious purposes. In the strictest sense, the term “conspiracy theory” just means that you’re theorizing that some people have secretly planned to do something. If you theorize that some wrongdoers have developed or enacted a secret plan, and it later turns out your suspicion was correct, then by definition you had a true conspiracy theory.
The ones who think either fossils are a test of your faith by god or dinos roamed the earth with humans.
FWIW, the vast majority of YECs fall into the latter category because, while the timeline of dinosaurs is explicitly contradicted by their interpretation of the Bible, the existence of dinosaurs isn’t. Remember the guy who had that famous debate with Bill Nye? The venue for that debate was a “Creation Museum” featuring life-size animatronic dinosaurs living with Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. It’s the same organization that spent ~$100 million to build a 500-foot-long replica of Noah’s Ark in Kentucky, featuring dinosaurs in pens aboard the Ark (“Don’t worry guys, Noah probably took baby sauropods so there’s plenty of room for them on board”).
Creationist organizations lean hard into dinosaurs as an outreach tool because everybody agrees they’re awesome. They’d probably wax poetic about how amazing these creatures of God’s creation were, lament that the dinos we’re seeing in AR are a pale imitation of the dinos our Biblical ancestors saw in real life, and then condescendingly rant about how “secular science” is trying to drive a wedge between mankind and Biblical truth with its assumptions about “millions of years.”
Not quite. All two-body systems orbit a common barycenter, but the mass ratio of the Earth-Moon system is so lopsided that the barycenter is inside the Earth, not between them like with Pluto and Charon.
Geez, the Bible sure does say a lot of needlessly nasty and hateful things that are used by religious bigots as justification for their cruel actions—almost like it’s the flawed product of ancient human cultures and their outdated values, and not a timeless divinely-inspired message from a perfect, unchanging, infinitely-wise being who loves and cares deeply about every single human being.
No, because absolute size is not what makes a moon a moon. Our Moon is a moon because it directly orbits a planet, not a star. Charon is massive enough relative to Pluto that the former does not directly orbit the latter, but instead they both orbit a common barycenter located between them, making them a binary planetary system.
For what it’s worth, the author (eventually) explains that by “AI doomer” they’re not talking about people who are generally skeptical or pessimistic about AI’s influence on society, but rather people who believe that AI will literally kill all humans:
“[T]here are plenty of people who do believe that AI either will or might kill all of humanity, and they take this idea very seriously. They don’t just think “AI could take our jobs” or “AI could accidentally cause a big disaster” or “AI will be bad for the environment/capitalism/copyright/etc”. They think that AI is advancing so fast that pretty soon we’re going to create a godlike artificial intelligence which will really, truly kill every single human on the planet in service of some inscrutable AI goal. […] They would likely call themselves something like ‘AI Safety Advocates’. A less flattering and more accurate name would be ‘AI Doomers’.”
deleted by creator
The actual headline says “tens of thousands,” but it’s certainly funnier this way.
An assumption of 99% false sightings is not a statistic. Statistics are analyses of measured data, not assumptions. To know the actual percentage of true sightings, you’d first have to confirm that some sightings are actually true, which would require some actual evidence of ghosts/aliens.
Consider the inverse for a moment: if ghosts/aliens don’t actually exist, then the percentage of false sightings must be 100%, not 99.9%. As long as you start with the assumption that there are some true sightings, you’re just starting with the assumption that ghosts/aliens are real.