I finally got a message from them 3 min ago. I was worried I wasn’t cool enough 🥲
I finally got a message from them 3 min ago. I was worried I wasn’t cool enough 🥲
Not active duty or a vet, but have had a lot of family in the forces;
Their duty is to uphold the constitution and protect the nation ostensibly, so they’d be obligated to refuse an illegal order. Realistically you won’t see that play out amongst the rank and file in part due to the culture of ‘discipline’ in the US military, and also the reality of court martial/dishonourable discharge. If something like this did occur it would likely be the five and/or four star generals that make the call. Now you have two powerful factions at odds with potentially catastrophic results.
Either way there’s gonna be court martials.
That’s a pretty ‘fuck you, I got mine’ attitude
I’m a huge history and architecture nerd so museums are already on the list to do. Any in particular you’d recommend?
I’m actually visiting Chicago for the first time in a couple months! Any recommendations?
Change electricity to energy and we’re good again
We also have the top two ports in the US. And if we took the PNW with us nearly all trade from Asia would pass through this theoretical new country before reaching the US.
Edit; also there’s a lot of division between the urban and rural areas of all west coast states. It’s fun to think about, but I don’t see it happening without a major conflict
Pretty sure I got it! Looks to be a recolored version of one of Norwich University’s logos. Search for NU sports logo got a hit in maroon and gold; reversed image searched and received these results.
Not a university, maybe a local sports team? Would you feel comfortable sharing the state this was spotted in/which state the license plate was from?
(Narrator voice; it was a university)
My understanding is that we had open registration and that led to a very small amount of spam posters. Apparently we were a moderation concern.
I’ve certainly downvoted people in this instance but I can’t remember the last time something particularly egregious occurred
Fun fact! PG&E plead to 84 counts of manslaughter due to them wiping an entire city of the map and nothing really changed. I’m all for Boeing (and other companies) having oversight, but it just doesn’t seem like it does much.
I think it’s a combo of the two. I watch a lot of panel shows and the first thing that comes to mind is pandemic filming. It actually was a bit awkward at first not to have the studio laugh because it was traditionally filmed with a live audience. That’s still half an argument as certain shows will have cues for the audience.
At the end of the day we are very social animals and appreciate feeling emotion together so if we find something funny/scary/exciting we get positive feedback when others around us (at least sound like) they feel the same. It’s the main reason a decent amount of people enjoy going to the movies.
This will fall flat when laugh tracks are added over frequently; but when used properly (and with actually good jokes) they encourage the audience to fully engage.
Imagine the embarrassment of being the only person to clap/laugh/scream at a performance; thats the intended buffer for ‘canned’ responses.
Edit; when I started this comment there was only one response. What I cover was also brought up by other commenters, but I’m slow at typing while I’m sleepy (RIP)
He’s gotta kill it before it develops language skills
Yeah, same with LAX. I find that TSA gets the most backed up when it’s families or infrequent fliers. When you fly for business you’ve got a system down and that helps the line move faster.
This is oversimplification to avoid an essay; Nationalism has been on the rise all over. With nationalism comes a loss of multi-nation agreements/positive sentiment (a la Brexit). Even without statements of pro-Putin ideology, it’s easy to see why Russia would want nationalists in power. I have family in Germany and am worried about AfD.
TL;DR - they don’t even need to be pro-Putin to get his help (not to say that they aren’t)
I haven’t edited a wiki page, so maybe I’m missing something. Isn’t that an accurate statement? Until yesterday we didn’t know the verdict, and we still need the sentencing. Both of those absolutely should be added to the page once result are known. Hence why information would/will change.
They’ve locked the article, and it still states the ‘criminal status’.
To put into context; Microsoft bought Activision/Blizzard for 69 Billion dollars. A huge portion of that was actually King.
Around 2014, over 93 million people were playing Candy Crush Saga, while revenue over a three-month period as reported by King was over $493 million. Five years after its release on mobile, the Candy Crush Saga series has received over 2.7 billion downloads, and the game has been one of the highest-grossing and most-played mobile apps in that time frame. As of September 2023, it had reached over $20 billion in revenue.
Safe to say mobile market makes a lot more money we’d be comfortable with.
I shared my arcade membership with my mom a while ago (I had gotten it included) and it put her purchases on my card. This bio-chemist (very smart lady in some specific subjects) spent over $25 on ‘micro’ transactions in a week or so. They prey on the group that just want to get things done.
…oh no. I’ve listened to him for ages. And due to a shitty shuffle I ended up with high listening hours. I remember his first handle and just told myself it was regarding the slang for cigarette. I’ll be going down this rabbit hole, thanks for the heads up
I’m a huge fan of Bill Bryson! He has a couple books about linguistics (The Mother Tongue and Made in America) that were personal favorites of mine. His nearly 600 page work ‘A Short History of Nearly Everything’ was also a very easy read.
In a similar vein ‘Unruly’ by David Mitchell has been a fun read so far!
Also a special shout out to ‘Pillars of the Earth’ by Ken Follett; it’s historical fiction but ignited my love of architecture.
I’m not normally a Sondheim fan, but his musical ‘Assassins’ is pretty good. Just a random thought