Timewarp is right, I thought “Am I having a stroke” halfway through, half convinced it was like the onion shootings copypasta, then I saw the date.
I wasn’t surprised the first time either.
Timewarp is right, I thought “Am I having a stroke” halfway through, half convinced it was like the onion shootings copypasta, then I saw the date.
I wasn’t surprised the first time either.
Thought the image was a crowded beach
Literally happened in the BBC several times
Not one example
From a comment in reference to this piece:
“In February 2014, the state of Israel held a memorial ceremony to mark the 20th anniversary of Begin’s death. The prime minister, then, as now, was Netanyahu.
“The newspaper Israel Hayom reported Netanyahu as saying: ‘[Begin] is a great role model for me, with his respect for democracy, courts of law and the media…… Israel and the Likud are inspired by the spirit of Menachim Begin.’”
There was a paper that attempted to provide some genetic evidence for this, but it, and the author, were attacked, the paper unprecedentedly deleted, and the author shortly thereafter apparently smeared with false embezzlement charges. Make of that what you will.
He is a bit of a nut job when it comes to the Basque language, though, hilariously.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antonio_Arnaiz-Villena https://www.theguardian.com/world/2001/nov/25/medicalscience.genetics https://www.bmj.com/content/324/7339/695.1
What makes it ok for your grandparents, great-grandparents et cetera, but not for these poor souls in the exact same situation? The same could be said for most places if you back far enough. People constantly trying to shut the door behind them, and it’s made worse by pure lies about work. 99.99•% of immigrants work hard af and pay taxes, unlike the top 0.1%
80 years mate
Cooking up wholesome copypasta
Fools like this want everyone to be invisible, anonymous, and unimportant, being non-white is already a splinter in their eye unless you prove you’re extraordinary
There is no helping children’s hygiene except through education, rules won’t do shit
Horse Armor? How about a jewel-encrusted horse!?
Am I alone in thinking this is a joke that has gone over everyone’s heads? Isn’t it just a sparkly topping on a pile of currency anyway?
United States Public Law 103-150 of 1993 (known as the Apology Resolution), acknowledged that “the overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi occurred with the active participation of agents and citizens of the United States” and also “that the Native Hawaiian people never directly relinquished to the United States their claims to their inherent sovereignty as a people over their national lands, either through the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi or through a plebiscite or referendum.” Hawaiian Kingdom
This is possibly the worst article on the Mac’s 40th.
See Wired for a better one: https://www.wired.com/story/plaintext-apple-secret-40-year-old-mac-still-rules/
Such a great little game. Good handling, excellent cheats, rewarding exploration, pretty difficult. Did everything you might expect of it really well. Shame no sequels really.
Second half of this video with the voice effect is unlistenable for me tho
I really thought they were going to distance themselves from the unfortunate use of a hand to represent the name frostbite.
But no, just went and drew the fingers falling off.
Great work, guys.
For the web view one, I was told by IT that it was my fault I’d updated Teams, they had to go into windows add remove programs and update edge web view manually… but I have no recollection of this …and even theoretically if I did, how does an entirely ms stack get into this state except through Teams being a shitty citizen