Nice. My first thought was petite feet.
Nice. My first thought was petite feet.
How could I “know he doesn’t”? Literally no one can “know” he doesn’t, not even him. But based on the hundreds of hours I’ve spent working with people with many varying degrees of dementia, it really really really looks like dementia. Sorry, I don’t want him to have it either, but those glassy eyes are very familiar to me, and it’s not a look I’ve ever gotten from “a young nerotypical child,” whatever that has to do with anything.
Regardless, he’s been “betrayed” and I’d really rather not have to describe the only possible reasonable candidate for President of the United States that way. Sorry?
Only the courts can ensure that, or Mother Nature. They’re both taking too long.
3 Supreme Court Justices in his pocket
Venereal disease
This one’s the least “clear,” but c’mon, the dude’s a sicko
A fragile ego masking deep-seated, vicious self-hatred, probably stemming from said Parental Issues
KKK endorsements
34 felony convictions and pending
Did you respond to the wrong person? If not, sorry, I can’t parce it.
How could he possibly be unprepared for Trump to lie, that’s literally all he does. Three of my four grandparents had dementia, my father has the early stages already, I’ve worked in hospitals and group homes, I know the glassy-eyed stair of senility well. If he’s too old to hold a planned discussion in the absolute optimal conditions, he’s definitely too old to be president. Like I said, I’ll end up voting for him, because why the fuck not, can’t be worse than the alternative. But seriously, the thought of him having civilization-shaping meetings with other heads-of-state looking and sounding like that is unnerving to me.
I mean, he also clearly has dementia. Like, we know what he used to look and sound like, he was VP for 8 years, recently. The change in lucidity and articulation from then to now is staggering. If he were my grandfather, seeing him like this would make me cry. I’ll never vote for that traitorous, narcissistic, felonious piece of trash running against him, but goddam if this isn’t the most pathetic presidential ballot in my lifetime by a massive margin.
Ra is not allowed in Scrabble, according to multiple online Scrabble dictionaries I just checked.
Is this meme format supposed to imply that water is bad for you? Because that’s what I get out of it.