How are you going to recharge eels otherwise?
5 eyes panopticon hater.
How are you going to recharge eels otherwise?
What’s the tangent on those curls?
Me looking at 100 GB of EYNTKE taking up space.
Won’t somebody think of le childrun!!!11!1!1!!
Or you can press the power button for like 10 seconds, that should force a restart and android asks for password/pin/unlock pattern after restart or after 48 hours.
Most onion hating Frenchman.
Fun fact: Abbott sells methylphenidate chlorohydrate with a retardant effect so that it lasts for approximately 16 hours instead of 4, and they called it Aradix Retard lmao. I know why they called it that but I can’t help but laugh every time I see it.
Holy propaganda Batman!
Is that Fox Mulder? lol
Wouldst thou like to live deliciously?
They could take 30 years to make it, but it would still be made by Bethesda and it would still suck.
I will NOT buy a Texas calculator.
Brings memories of Alg I.
We can finally greentext properly.
It’s a classic.