Only office? Hahaha. Only if you never have to share a document.
Only office? Hahaha. Only if you never have to share a document.
~~So, dirt? 😁 ~~
Sorry, replied to wrong person. Haha
After (ugh) 30 years of having PCs and many, many, drives, Seagate has been the worst.
But I’ve had WD fail too. Just not as much, and I’ve had far more WD drives. I currently have about 20 drives of varying ages, 98% of them are WD, because more of the Seagate drives have failed and been trashed.
And backup, proper backup.
Season it with Flax seed oil. Worth the $10 for the bottle, and time.
Cooks Country came up with Flax seed oil after a lot of testing.
My only issue with Grayjay (both Android and Windows app), is you have to manually export the videos out of Grayjay
If you try to grab the files directly, they don’t work.
The negativity is about like saying I should not exist.
It’s your choice to see it that way.
Fuck me I feel old.
99% of the time, unless there’s something I’m convinced I can only get there and I really need it.
Windows - Synctrayzor
Linux - Syncthing
Android - Syncthing-Fork
iOS - Möbius
Restricting either of these on the bikes themselves is foolish, and will only serve to hamper adoption of bikes by those who don’t know these things can be bypassed.
Just have road regs, like any other motorized vehicle.
All this nonsense is especially frustrating, since electric bikes/scooters make far more sense than electric cars, as most of car energy is for moving the vehicle, while bikes and scooters it moves the person.
I’m currently moving (for the last year) from Gmail to
They have a free level, but I wanted aliases, so I pay $30/year. Worth every penny.