I recently went to buy tickets to see a stage play at a local community theater. Turns out last play I saw there was 15 years ago.
Wtf? Why do you have info on an account I haven’t logged into in 15 years?
Until there’s real fines for data loss, these companies won’t change. Hell, for all I know they have friends in the dark web/hacker world and “leak” credentials to them.
Wow, 50 lbs (~20 kg) per stud, with a bunch of screw holes in the base plate. Problem solved, and you could just use a number of wood screws into the ply panel, just spaced well apart (like 2.5-3 cm), and anchor into a stud where you can with a long lag (3"/~8cm).
Or if you can only hit a stud on one side, use a single Molly on the other and a couple wood screws in between.