Selfishness is coded into us by evolution. It’s genetic. Lots of people will agree with me on this.
What I get a lot of pushback on, is that selflessness is the same. It has evolutionary benefits for a familial group, and so gets selected for.
Just another face in the crowd… I hope. He/him or whatever. I have the luxury of not having to be fussed.
Selfishness is coded into us by evolution. It’s genetic. Lots of people will agree with me on this.
What I get a lot of pushback on, is that selflessness is the same. It has evolutionary benefits for a familial group, and so gets selected for.
I loved the “anyone can be special” message, even when rammed down our throat by having the slave stable boy force pull the broom to himself at the end of the movie.
I hated them undoing that and going “hahahaha, no, you’re actually one of the two special families!!” in Rise of Skywalker.
I quite enjoy the Baroque Cycle. I am yet to read Snowcrash.
For Hobby History, I recommend Arbitor Ian. He’s an old grognard like me who has been collecting for decades, and explains some of the interesting changes and old lore of the setting (stuff from as far back as when Space Marines all had “born to kill” type graffiti all over their armour). He also does a “Tale of four gamers” type thing with some other hobbyists, and it feels a bit like those old White Dwarf articles come to life. Lots of nostalgia, but also new lore too.
I was a terrible salesperson for this reason. “Here’s a machine in your stated price range. It will die in 18 months. And it sucks.”
If only there was some kind of legislation that protected an open and fair internet…