That’s how war works. You think it’s all hugs and love in a war? What if one of them have a suicide bomb belt? You might want to look into how US army treats the locals in Iraq war. Every war has war crimes(so far I don’t see any committed by Israel). Every war has civilian casualties. Some people are fixated on civilians death from bombings. Well, if they are bombing Hamas targets and there are civilians, that’s just how any country would have done it. US did the same. Any country would do the same. So let’s get off your high horse and start criticizing both sides. I haven’t heard any liberals pointing finger at the Hamas. It’s sickening.
One cop’s private domestic issue somehow represents 30k of NYPD cops. Very good logic. I like how you twist and reach that far.
It’s like some people are too dense to understand cops are people and have the same hobbies and problems like most people do.