Fun rule of journalism, ‘Betteridge’s Law’ : if a headline asks a question, the answer is almost always ‘no’.
Edit: lmao even the writer mentions in the first line. I mean why even try to argue your point after that?
Fun rule of journalism, ‘Betteridge’s Law’ : if a headline asks a question, the answer is almost always ‘no’.
Edit: lmao even the writer mentions in the first line. I mean why even try to argue your point after that?
As I’ve been noticing it more across lemmy, what word did you type that got changed to “removed”?
The one I’ve seen is a swear but most others aren’t censored, and it seems to be an automated thing.
Edit: I suspect I figured it out so that’s at least 2 words, one a debatable slur and one an obvious swear but with no socio-political implications otherwise.
Wholly agree with your point.
Off topic: why is the B word the only swear censored on blahaj.zone? I’ve noticed it in other communities from there and most, if not all other swears are safe.
B: removed Fuck shit ass cock dick pussy cunt
Either someone got mad for being called a B or they’ve got some conflicting thoughts on what justifies swearing and censorship.
Edit: might not be just blahaj, but that only extends my confusion.
deleted by creator
If you’re spreading disinformation that benefits Russia, it doesn’t even matter what your ideologies are. You’re still spreading disinformation on behalf of Russia.
You can paint any moral picture you want, but that’s the bottom line.
If everyone is calling you that here, maybe you should go back to truth social like the good little lap dog you are.
James Woods runs the place, so that’s fun.
Imagine being so sensitive over a webcomic. What, did you draw it or pen the idea? Why so defensive?
Lol imagine being the guy that thinks understanding unintelligent ‘humor’ is somehow a flex.
Your comment made me understand the ‘joke’ but it didn’t make the comic funny. This is low-brow humor at absolute best.
You can’t say glip-glop! That’s their word!
veering into
They’ve been extremists since at least the 60s, does this writer live under a rock?
Edit: Also, why does this sub censor swears? Who does that help? What a shitty mod team.
Edit2: Oh so they only censor the B word. Great job on the consistency removed mods
Literally nothing about what I just said was in any way a personal attack, unless you really are just a monkey dancing for peanuts.
I like how you’re trying to pull excuses from your ass more than anything.
Great dance monkey, here’s another peanut.
Lol what personal attacks? I don’t know anything about you except that you clap your cymbals and dance to a guy playing a music box, like any well trained monkey on the street does. 🙉🎶🙊🎶🙈
And yet I’m the one getting things backwards? 👀🤔
I dunno, you seem petty riled up to me, plus you already showed your lack of understanding repeatedly, so yeah certainly a win for me.
Enjoy another round of peanuts on me, monkey.
Lol @ using that mental gymnastic to pretend you won an argument. People say don’t feed the trolls but if nobody gave the monkeys peanuts they wouldn’t dance like fools for our amusement.
You’re welcome, monkey.
Then explain what OP did wrong, in a non-derogatory way, give them alternatives to what they could say instead of just demeaning them.
Know what makes people look REALLY REALLY dumb? Talking down to people that don’t know better. Besides if you’re so smart, why don’t you educate the ignorant without insulting them?
Damn, that sucks but thanks for the response. So far that brings the list to
threetwo words and no rationale or common theme save for one that is a modern slur.For reference, my list so far: 1: removed (B word for female dogs) 2: removed (R word, derogatory for people with handicaps)
3: bullshit (B-u word for literal bovine turds)Edit: my bullshit wasn’t censored. Sorry to all the pooping cows.