Surely this will make groceries more affordable.
Surely this will make groceries more affordable.
It doesn’t need to be sudden. It’s a fucking problem.
I hope it’s effective.
Because it’s fucking stupid.
He makes the ferengi look generous and benevolent.
This isn’t gonna make eggs cheaper.
A hotline won’t solve the issue.
No, there was a lot more that came of this (unless you’re specifically referencing the snitching part).
And I’m sure there’s more.
When people can’t rely on laws and justice, eventually blood spills.
Agreed. It’s pretty much just a question of how long “eventually” is.
And now that they’ve made unions all but illegal, we’ll eventually return to that trusted tradition.
Either we settle things collectively and politely, or we settle things not so politely.
I make 6 figures and work two jobs. I ain’t a leech, or crying.
You on the other hand should quit licking the boot, and stop being a class traitor. And learning how to support your claims with evidence wouldn’t hurt either.
Statistics are used by propagandists.
And what evidence have you brought to the table? Fucking nothing.
At least I brought scientific papers.
Union jobs SUCK for good workers.
The data betrays your conclusion.
There’s nothing stopping unions from allowing your boss to pay you minimum while they take ‘dues’ from you.
Unions aren’t mandatory. There is no taking. Given such a fundamental lack of understanding on that front really makes me doubt your story.
Nothing is stopping unions from being as corrupt as employers.
Yes there is, there’s the union elections and the consent required for participation.
They lead to companies being forced to keep horrible employees that cost them money
I don’t care.
and pay them more than they’d otherwise need to.
Good, that’s the fucking point.
You could have negotiated better pay for yourself
You can’t, which is why unions have higher pay.
Sick time shouldn’t be a thing. No one should be incentivized to call in sick, and that costs the company money
Are you a troll, or are you genuinely this backwards?
Posting a bunch of union propaganda doesn’t change the fact that they only serve themselves.
My dude, this is all of the sources showing that they’re better jobs. It’s the government, corporate media, scientific research, all coming to the same conclusion. It ain’t propaganda.
Unions only help themselves.
That’s utter bullshit.
They lead to higher wages, job security, better benefits, and better PTO/sick days. In every respect, in general, a union job is better for the worker than a non union job.
Negotiation almost de facto requires group effort, or a union. The only time negotiation works outside of that is edge cases.
Ignoring the myriad of other issues listed in this thread, the bit about training AI is pretty misleading. It’s not hard to scrape webpages for whatever kind of data you like, even if loops doesn’t outright hand things over for third parties for that purpose.
And the kind of people who are downloading the entire internet to train AIs are the type to be willing to just scrape without permission.
And how did we connect that, and rule out other things?
Played it for a bit because of this post.
The J.K. Rowling quote in front of the bookstore did not age well at all. But beyond that, it was a cute game. It’s just too bad that dating sims aren’t really my thing.
Gonna stray a bit from the other games mentioned here for the sake of adding something unique.
It’s not your traditional nazis per say, but the half life series fits quite nicely with this urge. The combine are genocidal, totalitarian, they use shit loads of propaganda, etc. They don’t have the looks of it, but they’re clearly the nazi type.