Thanks for the clarification. I appreciate it.
Thanks for the clarification. I appreciate it.
Not sure why there are downvotes here. Vitamins, minerals, and salts get washed out overtime especially flooding with water in the system can throw things off quick. Something balanced is ideal to keep up on all needed electrolytes. This is for a serious health condition. Not a run through the park.
I still do pickle juice. Not just for thirst but taste of that giant swig is refreshing for sure. Not often as digestive issues get to me. It does work though.
I checked them out. Think I might give them a shot. I have a genetic issue as well. Its the root of all my issues which has led to cascade failure.
I will look into molasses. I’ve tried fruit squeezes like lemon, limes, grapefruit, watermelon juice, cucumbers, and others. Doesn’t cut it for my needs. I deal with like super dehydration. It can onset rapidly with my health conditions.
No intense exercise for me. Just daily around the house moving. I’m incapable of anything intense due to how bad my dehydration is amongst other major health issues. I’m in the hospital a lot for testing each month. Have been to various specialist for years. Still no help fighting multiple issues. I’ve nearly died 2 times from health issues related to digestion and weight loss.
Thyroid condition? How could she be so low on uptake of calories if she is truly getting enough. Some other autoimmune disease or organ issue? There’s lots of factors could play into uptake and processing of foods. Allergies to foods…
I’ll check them out. Thanks. After review their not positive their gluten free. Which for me won’t work. Or I’d have to trial and error each one and take the chance of getting sick to know. I should ammend my post.
What do you mean lite salts? Specifically.
What about missing out on all the other vitamins, minerals, to have it completely balanced as far as the list of what gets depleted when your severely dehydrated over time. Have you had an issues using your formula longterm?
I’m not looking for anything in particular. Just the cheapest route to severe electrolyte loss preferably something that balanced for vitamin, mineral, salt. I’m OK with formulas and DIYs or off the shelf products. Healthiest, then cost. As I require intense daily electrolytes for medical reasons.
I have tried a few DIYs even juices from fruit and honestly my go to is always body armour and I hate it simply for the plastic bottle and the cost but also drinking them as often as I need the taste gets old. Nothing else hydrates as good for me. Its horrible having to go through many powders and types to find something that works. The only sweetener that isn’t artificial comes form a plant is Stevia leaf extract its the lesser evil you might say. Its easiest on the GI tract without any lingering aftertaste that I notice. I’m looking to go full DIY with supplements and water if I have to. Anything to maintain hydration at this point product, drink, powders, IV attached at the arm on a pole lol. I have never heard of that brand. I’m going to search a bit on them. I hope you and your daughter do well. Chronic health issues are so very depleting.
How do you boost intramuscular water retention? I get so dehydrated sometimes my brain burns and hurts. I need serious electrolytes like 1 to 3 body armours to replenish followed by 48oz water. Followed by hours to recalibrate my body from nausea and migraines. Urine can be clear but I can be so thirsty its unbearable. Literally feels like my brain is shrinking.
A bit expensive. Does look too bad though. Wish it was cheaper alternative to body armours. Its super basic and could be made much cheaper they just from sourcing the ingredients yourself.
A gallon or more is generally unhealthy unless your sweating a lot. Or have an underlying health issue.
Cost adds up but their far cheaper than coconut water. Good balance of vitamins and electrolytes. The sugars are high though. Otherwise their solid choices. The lytes are the real choice then if you must add sugar as desired.
Takes a balance of multiple electrolytes potassium, magnesium, calcium, salt, and others. Salt only makes the arteries less able to expand and contract and makes the body hold in water sometimes in unwanted areas. Feet, legs, arms, heart, etc. This is why alot seniors are on water pills.
Watch out for caffeine in teas people. After 2 weeks of loving green tea 3 or 4 times a day. I got massive migraines when I stopped or even slowed down on consumption. 25mg to 50mg per cup.
Saturated fats are bad. Unsaturated fats are better for you most fats should come from mono and polyunsaturated fats. Carbs are quick energy broken down into sugars, but raw sugars are bad for blood sugar, and gut bacteria diversity. There needs to be a relative balance of protein, carbs, and fats. Blood sugar shouldn’t go up and down in spikes. It should flow like slight rolling hills. Increase the diversity in diets for wide/diverse gut microbiome are super important not probiotic supplements but from actual food sources. Vitamins and minerals should be balanced in foods and drinks, almost all added sugars and salts should be cutout of consumption.
I see multiple specialist and am in the hospital for testing regularly. Most of them recommend pedialyte or to keep drinking the body armours I drink.