Have you heard of our lord and saviour Arch Linux BTW
Have you heard of our lord and saviour Arch Linux BTW
Is there something like obtainium with the ability to build from source?
Do you feel empathy for them?
To what level is this community still affiliated with the subreddit?
This, but always during an unpausable cutscene.
What is a good fork?
microsoft is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported
Microsoft has a seat at the linux foundation.
Meaning very likely.
If they use a password manager and randomly generated passwords, then it’s acceptable.
My smart tv refuses to work with .mkv so it happens regularly for me.
An assassin will be assigned to the assassins to even the chances.
It is also a reasonable explanation for any disappearing pizza.
I partially agree. While there are a lot of useless upsells there still are supported standards and features to considder.
Aren’t the megathreads synced?
Is there a difference between the apt and the install script version?
What trustworthy options do you have for acquiring hardware?
Why stop there? You could use hardware to run this software.