Electing a fascist is rich America’s privilege, no? I’m speaking of trump just to make that perfectly clear.
Electing a fascist is rich America’s privilege, no? I’m speaking of trump just to make that perfectly clear.
Now do the reverse. Who can save whose life. :D
It stops the communication home for as long as you keep it that way. As for the tracking: data points can still be collected: the Apple location network works entirely by Bluetooth low energy for example. As soon as the app is online again it will send that collected data home and big brother can reconstruct your history.
So if you only care about real time location tracking, that’s solved. But not of you care about long term secrecy.
Rayne from blood Rayne
The joke is, that the php devs force the C++ Dev to buy them all a beer. Pretty sure that’s a reference to the nature of the php interpreter being written in C. The C Dev is carrying their water so to speak.
My son has celiac disease. Any amount of gluten man’s him vomit violently for an hour. He’s now old enough not to eat the playdo, but even the tiniest amount in his hands when he eats can be really bad. So I was happy this was available to ease this problem.
I also know hipsters will buy it just for eating it secretly at night in their basement because it’s gluten free
Representative democracy representing huge parts of the population. People are as always a disappointment.
Interesting as Tug
Being next in line to be invaded by Russia helps keep the insane voices down I guess.
Most people I know are afraid of foreigners stealing their peace and property and enslave their daughters and shit like this.
It’s people that prosper so long they don’t know any real threat and keep imagining one. Queue the far right stoking those fears.
The fins got some real problems and it unifies them.
As nobody has mentioned this yet. Vote! On Sunday all Germans vote on their representation in the EU. Vote for the pirate party or another progressive party. Vote out the grandpa’s and grandma’s that want to “protect” their adult children.
Integration of trigonometric functions.
Spend your time doing what you like and talk to women you meet while doing that. It has several advantages for dating. :)
Jack Black im da house.
Here is the study:
The abstract is a joke and the result makes pretty clear this study is for political purposes.
Their study is only in men that study business and the psychopathy part is a self reported quality. The article is also purely hate mongering.
Nobody likes loud assholes and their cars. But looks a lot like someone is gonna introduce some new legislation soon.
To be fair, it’s less about quality and more about quantity when training LLM.
Don’t use much heat, that will destroy them. Just throw them in at 30C and add a cup of white vinegar. It keeps the smell away even if they get wet again. Dry them quickly when finished.
Have been doing this for years, no problems so far.