I was out playing board games and planned on catching up on the debate tomorrow. Did the onion do their own thing I need to watch too?
I was out playing board games and planned on catching up on the debate tomorrow. Did the onion do their own thing I need to watch too?
Adding to the smoky mountain suggestion, the Gatlinburg area has a lot of fun touristy places to go. I haven’t seen the Apple Barn mentioned yet, but they and Cruze Farms Ice cream are both top notch dessert places. And I’ll 2nd The Local Goat for some good food.
Unfortunately, that’s all come at a cost of destroying and destabilizing billions of lives. I’m not disagreeing that a lot of people have benefitted from that. Competition - which is what capitalism is when you distill it and ignore all the inside ball that corporations and governments play - generates new ideas and promotes the ones that generate the most capital. But it also leaves a lot of people behind. And for now let’s just ignore the idea that there could be anything else as noble as the generation of more capital.
In the US, wealth inequality is only getting worse, with homeless populations and food scarcity continuing to grow and things like access to healthcare and quality education on the decline. And there are areas of the world that have been radically destabilized by the US to retain that position of dominance and prosperity.
If you look for a nation with the current / recent, per capita record for ‘lifting people out of poverty’ you’d have to give the medal to China. Do I think the way they’ve done things over the last few decades is producing a healthy society? Nope. I’d much rather live in the US than in China. But I don’t think the US is producing a healthy society either. We’re all just screwed up in our own ways, fighting for resources and acting like our way of doing things is ok because it’s what we are indoctrinated into from a young age.
The US focuses on generating capital as a metric of success because it enables geopolitical dominance and prosperity for just enough people to keep the wheels rolling.
But that’s just my perspective.
The right ideologically represents consolidation of power and conformity. The left ideologically represents distribution of power and freedom of expression. All of those things lie in a balance, and all are necessary for a functional society. That balance is the big problem. When one ‘party’ is focused on unifying behind a powerful person regardless of the broad reaching implications of that accumulation of power, while the other ‘party’ is focused on wrangling different ideological groups towards the overlap in the EDIT: Venn (not vent. Thanks autocorrect) diagrams of their interests and goals, you tend to observe a relative ‘difficulty in organizing’.
Of course, there are other viewpoints that would disagree with this analysis.