I already have a file named grass, why would I create another one??
I used to have >180k points in internet magical points called karma.
I already have a file named grass, why would I create another one??
Is it possible to have auto tiling in Hyperland like in i3?
This is exactly the kind of comment I was expecting. HML FTW.
This is what I’ve been using for a year or so, but never found how to make it show the icons. It’s entirely shown or nothing. It works great and I like it, but I want to try other layouts
What? Too fast?
When I thought it couldn’t be more meme, you came and filled a whole comment with nothing but truth. Thank you for your service and drive save.
I wouldn’t say Mint is that underground tbh
How did you get the tabs to be like that?
TIL it’s actually checkmate lol (I’m not a native English speaker).
BTW, loved your response hahaha
Replace Bash with Fish. Open two terminals.
echo “Check mate”.
Memes don’t have to be true.
PS: I use Arch, BTW
I love the poster, but honestly, calling it “the African way”, like all Africa was the same seems pretty odd to me.
Wow! Thank you so much for such complete answer, although I don’t want to cheat, I just don’t want to feel abused when doing my exams. And TBH, I really appreciate all the effort you made to reply me, I love it, but I can’t afford risking they recognizing the virtual machine, even when it’s by far the best choice IMO.
For a moment I thought you said “LyX” and I was like: you use a LaTeX editor for browsing?
Lynx rules btw 👍
I think I figured it out, I created a .xprofile
file and moved all the env stuff there:
➤ cat .xprofile
source ~/.config/i3/scripts/qt6ct.sh
export QT_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTORS=1.45 # 1.5
Now dolphin uses breeze themes, thunar uses its gtk version and also found out about how to fix the zoom issue (it was supposed to be another different battle but seems like they have more in common than what I thought!)
Thank you so much for helping me all the way here!! :)
There’s a couple of stuff to be fixed: screenshot
Which means that in Plasma QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME
is still read as qt5ct
remove everything from .xprofile except sourcing the script:
if [[ "$CURRENT_DESKTOP" = "i3" ]]; then
export QT_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTORS=1.5 # 1.5
elif [[ "$CURRENT_DESKTOP" = "KDE" ]]; then
echo "Gestor de ventanas no es i3 ni kwin: $CURRENT_DESKTOP"
Ok, something happened: adding it to .bash_profile
on i3 (whoohooo \o/), BUT it also did on plasma (ouch 😢), so the script for some reason is not returning what is supposed to.
LOL you’re right! Yet, I am still getting no better result when changing it:
➤ ~/.config/i3/scripts/qt6ct.sh
➤ ~/.config/i3/scripts/qt6ct.sh
➤ source ~/.config/i3/scripts/qt6ct.sh
Ok, here are very interesting things:
source ~/.config/i3/scripts/qt6ct.sh
at .profile
, and logout. When I logged in, nothing has changed. I don’t know why, since when I manually run it, it apparently changes the value of QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME
or run rofi --show -drun
and then select the qt5ct app, then it works just fine. The same happens with dolphin: if I run it from rofi, then it looks awful, but if I run it from the terminal, it looks great. BUT if I close the terminal and open it again, everything goes back to normal (meaning: awful).After including source ~/.config/i3/scripts/qt6ct.sh
to /etc/environment
and rebooting to see if anything changed: nope. No changes, the problem persists.
It worked!! Is there any way to solve this issue without depending on Kwallet? I’ll investigate for lightweight alternatives :)
What’s Vigor?