Yes we know. The commenter above you said that both sides are not the same, not that the democrats are perfect.
Yes we know. The commenter above you said that both sides are not the same, not that the democrats are perfect.
I don’t imagine people buying 3-4 a day. I used to do it. And yeah every now and then I’ll grab when I’m out, but usually I take two travel mugs with me to work and don’t need to.
Also, it takes less time for me to make coffee than I would spend in the Tim Horton’s drive thru in the morning. Just not worth it.
I do get it hot and fresh every day though.
I agree with you about the economy, but on a personal level - keep in mind I drink it black - I find the idea of buying coffee at a shop ridiculous.
I mean, not every day, but usually yeah. I don’t drink coffee on Sundays though because I’m aware that I drink a lot of coffee.
Dude, making coffee at home is not insignificant. I drink my coffee black and even that is like $2/coffee (which someone told me has gone up at Tim Horton’s since I was last there). Multiply that by the 3-4 coffees I drink a day and you’re looking at $30-$40/week which becomes becomes $120-160/month.
I can buy a can of coffee that lasts me two months and make it at home for $10. That’s a $370 savings every two months. (CAD)
You’re a conservative
*bottle of water
That’s pretty sick actually
Still gets security updates. All the software I need to run on it runs on it.
My email, desktop, and calendar all still sync with my newer desktop. I can still play StarCraft. I can join zoom meetings while running Roll 20. I can even run Premiere and do video editing… to a point.
I guess if you need the latest and greatest then you might have a point, but I don’t.
This whole thread is bitching about software bloat and Apple does that to stop the software bloat on older machines, but noooo that’s planned obsolescence. 🙄
Weren’t you just complaining about software bloat?
You should have seen the smile on my face when they opened the bus lane on my school bus route last year
-posted from my ten year old MacBook which shows no need for replacement
And the apple haters will keep making this exact same comment on every post using their 3rd laptop in ten years while I’m still using my 2014 MacBook daily with no issues.
Be more original.
No shit. They’ve been doing it for over a decade.
I want the Abnett & Lanning Guardians back :(
Tell me again how the big scary gays are indoctrinating the children. 🙄
In the limited series from the 90s, Venom: Carnage Unleashed, Venom is thrown in to a train by carnage and merges in to a stripe on the train to hide and escape.
Your theory is correct. Eddie becomes goop.
Unpaid travel time between 8 different clients would make an 8 hour day much more than 8 hours
Corruption. Mind the corruption too. A lot of tax dollars are for that.
In your second paragraph, the two reasons you stated to have kids are entirely selfish. Then you say not having kids is selfish?
For all the crying they do about “literally 1984!” they sure are oblivious to when their side uses language that would be right at home in the book.