But is it a fake position if you intend to fill it with a foreign worker?
But is it a fake position if you intend to fill it with a foreign worker?
Thank you, that was a really good explanation!
Does the fine have to be paid from profits made in California? If not I don’t see why this is relevant, other than semantics.
And then you also have different meanings depending on pronunciation, here some examples:
umfahren: to drive around something or to run over something
Montage: the act of assembling or the plural of Monday
übersetzen: to ferry across a river or to translate into another language
umschreiben: to rewrite or to paraphrase
durchschauen: to look through something or to understand
unterstellen: to place something underneath or to imply or accuse someone of something
unterhalten: to hold something underneath or to support or to converse with someone or to entertain
wiederholen: to fetch something back or to repeat something
As a native German speaker, I really dislike the formality levels and hope someday everyone uses the informal level. In a big company it’s really annoying to start with the formal level and then awkwardly switching to informal level when contacting someone for the first time.
I am not an expert either, but maybe by something like this? Maybe we see two images of the same galaxy but nothing obstructing our view to explain the gravitational lensing, so maybe it’s topological defects?
So what is the actual transistor size then? And why use an SI unit then anyway? Why not use femto-bananas then when it does not reflect the real size?
I don’t follow American politics very closely, who is this RFK guy and between Biden and Trump, how bad is he?
He said that it’s creepy but convenient, digital privacy and laziness don’t go hand in hand generally. Every week I read about another alternative for Google Photos, so the solution is not far away (three posts down I found this for example). To each their own I guess, but with such simple solutions I can’t justify using Google’s spyware.
Thank you, right now I am not even thinking about afterwards as I have to finish my PhD. beforehand so that I can spend most of me free time with my child. And until then I have to care for our horse it seems. My wife isn’t allowed to ride anymore And in the last two months I will probably be there every day to muck out the box, feed him and do some ground work with him. After all, we now have a riding partner (is that the right word for someone who pays us money so she can use the horse some days?) so I only have to come 5 days a week. So it’s all very stressful at the moment, but I’m really looking forward to it :)
I have ~6 months till birth of our firstborn, so not much to contribute right now.
For now you can use RedReader to circumvent their app.
Sorry, I meant just that, yes. I don’t want to archive any chat, just the one with emotional value to me. I do it once a year, so it’s not too bad doing this for single chats.
I don’t know if this is country specific, but I can just download all my chats as .txt files and do so regularly, as I don’t trust Meta not to delete anything and only keeping the last x years or something like that.
Do you use a private DNS like Adguard? I never see ads of any kind on my phone with this.
I already know I will never play this game, could you elaborate for me?
Sorry if that wasn’t clear, this should only serve as a style guide example, I used it myself to structure my resume, but it’s just a picture I found on Google.
I don’t know where you live and how bad it is there, but I just got my new job (software architecture) and I specifically asked in my interviews how to improve my resume. The final version was the culmination of all this feedback and got me the perfect job for me, as it makes use of every skill and strength I have.
The two most important points for my resume:
It was a lot of work to tailor the cover letter and resume to every posting, but I had much more interviews than when I started and sent out the generic version to a multitude of postings. So in the end it was roughly the same time I invested, with less applications, but more interviews, tailored to my interests and skills.
For reference, this is the style I used for my resume. Hope that helps your friend!
I have hope that it just has to get this bad to get better. In comparison to 5-10 years ago you now have many new search alternatives, starting from US based wrappers like duckduckgo, EU based engines like qwant and metager to paid services like kagi. Right now I am testing kagi and the search results are really good, but considering how often I use GPT4 to answer more specific questions, I may just switch to free alternatives like qwant or metager or some other new search engine.
What does this locking do? Where I live every online vendor offers to pay by installments which addresses the issue that people could not afford the upfront price, why do the phones have to be locked in the US?