With all these puns, I can’t understand Netanyahu guys are talking about.
With all these puns, I can’t understand Netanyahu guys are talking about.
Americans will use anything but the metric system, smh.
I checked before this comment and it is posted on the TED channel, not TED X.
I lost a lot of respect for Ted Talks when these guys were allowed to use theirs as an ad.
I noticed a minor mute error earlier on and a much more significant one toward the end. We’re there more than that that I was just oblivious to?
There are many causes of power surges. While one potential cause is poorly maintained equipment, that is far from the only cause. Things like lightning strikes, tree or storm damage, load fluctuations, or equipment faults can cause them. They happen quickly enough that the protective systems can’t always prevent damage to equipment downstream, but those systems are designed to protect the distribution equipment, not the loads themselves. Surge protectors are designed to protect your loads from surges and are important devices to protect sensitive equipment. OP is supposedly an electrical engineer, but this is either outside of their wheelhouse or they are just trying to jump on the enshittification bandwagon.
Then why would you imply that power surges are necessarily caused by shitty infrastructure and not by physics/nature/technical limitations/unpreventable system faults? Just to feed into the enshitification circle-jerk?
You say that like they’re trying to hide it, but it’s literally the stated purpose of the Selective Service registration. Nothing surreptitious about it.
The loophole is they never applied for federal jobs or benefits so they fell through the cracks. Hence the fix.
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This tl;dr does not do the article justice. Highly recommend everyone read the article.
It’s fairly common knowledge that imperial units are anchored to metric standards now, but that connection doesn’t make someone metrically inclined. Still gotta do the backflip. Continuing to use a worse system is annoying and not something everyone prefers to do, hence OP providing the conversions.
They don’t follow the grid frequency because the EU or US regulations require it, they follow the grid frequency because physics demands it.
What is it engineering up there?
To your last point, the bill is targeted at any app owned by a foreign adversary, so whether or not kids move away from tiktok, it will accomplish the same objective.
Because Jordan had an active role in shooting down Iranian drones and missiles while Iraq did not.
Is that hand braided or some mystical form of safety wire I’ve never seen?
In Japan, I have 7 bins plus cardboard. Burnables, nonburnables, plastic, paper, cans, pet bottles, glass bottles.
Sorry, I’m not able to access my PC for a while so I can’t look. All I did was google something like ender 3v2 bl touch firmware and went from there.
Take a step back and see that the other person was totally civil in trying to make their point. You guys more than likely agree, you just took their clarification of your statement as hostility when you shouldn’t have.