Is that the one where IG-88E or something eventually hooks into the death star and just as it’s about to take over Luke blows it up?
Is that the one where IG-88E or something eventually hooks into the death star and just as it’s about to take over Luke blows it up?
Powerwolf was the first one I thought of. “Resurrection by Erection” kind of says it all.
Mr Pink walked away with the diamonds before the police arrived. It’s not clear if he was caught or not but he did walk away. https://youtu.be/0GQc_SwSp_U?si=1XjXFxckgrvR_6EV
I mean even if he didn’t drink any of the sauce from that chug the amount of hot sauce on his lips would be incredibly spicy.
Would Reservoir Dogs also count in that case?
The problem is they signed long office space leases and breaking out of them is very expensive, plus they get tax breaks for driving foot traffic to commercial areas. Not that they would ever admit that is the reason instead if a bullshit “team spirit” diatribe excuse.
Yeah, everyone knows 9 women can generate a baby in 1 month.
And you had to scour forums with dubious links to find official or unofficial patches.
Also Leto the Second is Pauls second son named Leto not because he’s the second Leto Atreides after Paul’s father just add more confusion
I agree, if you took out the side quests and mini games you’d get another FF16 which was an absolute slog by the end of it because of how monotonous it was with lack of variety
BT also has some of the best turbo nerd lore masters on youtube
Dan Carlin did a wonderful show about why the German army of WWI was much better than the Wehrmacht. And his argument can be summarized as “Do you really think Falkenhayn or Ludendorff would have tolerated Goering for 5 minutes before firing him on the spot?”
Haley holding the title of “least awful venereal disease from the GOP” doesn’t make her a competent politician
Considering how she handled the civil war slavery question I’d say describing her as competent is a stretch
Germany declared war in the US first, which was a colossally stupid move by hitler.
Yeah? There’s a reason you do this see Dream Theater, Nile, Meshuggha, Revocation topping the billboard top 20
Starting at 1.5k is honestly less greedy than I expected from then
Bard in BG3 can be one the single highest burst classes in the game if you go college of swords/sharpshooter/dual crossbows. And you can do that three times a day with the bard shirt rest. It’s absolutely disgusting.
Not a casino. Multiple ones. Because the dumb fuck decided the best way to run resorts was to have them compete and under cut each other.