American Nations is probably the worst pop-history books I’ve had the displeasure of reading. Its chock full of backwards rationalizations, just-so narratives, and glaring misconstructions and omissions.
Any assessment of modern society based on this author is immediately suspect and we should honestly stop letting him write for any serious publication.
404 Media is worker owned; you should pay them.
Casablanca. Its a classic.
Plenty of people rooted for the Lions and they wore brown bags over their heads.
Trump lost and people are still buying flags and hats.
I think we’ll be stuck with this cult for awhile.
I wouldn’t be so confident that his support will wane. People love a martyr and thats what hes protraying himself as.
All that isnt to say he shouldn’t be prosecuted, but I’d expect his support to jump in the short term.
Idk man, theres not too much debate on who to vote for. There’s a clear lesser evil and theres an avowed fascist. The quoted paragraph just reaffirms what his one sentence says, that voting isn’t sufficient.
I like the pamphet. I think it hits most everything important. If you only vote and the entirety of your efforts are spent on electoralism and not direct action, its a lot if wasted time. But if you cant even take 20 mins to vote every 2 years, or worse you’re advocating people who aren’t fascist sit it out, you need to rethink what you’re doing.
Ultimately, there’s no reason the strategies of voting and direct action can’t both be applied together. One does not cancel the other out.
It’s like you didn’t even look at your own pamphlet. It backs up his exact statement.
Given that this is what their lawyers have agreed to, it would be weird for an appeal.
Snyder needs someone to tell him a movie should have both character development and a cohesive plot in at most 2 hrs.
I’m done with him deferring blame for not being able to put together a clean narrative.
You don’t seem to understand terminal velocity.
No worries, Its an easy mistake to make. Where the photo is taken Golden Eagles (majestic birds) are uncommon and Bald Eagles (slightly more majestic and substantially more murderous pigeons) are very common.
Bonus Photo: The town dump. Where all the vultures bald eagles live
Its actually a juvenile bald eagle. As they age, their beak and feathers change color. The easy way to distinguish the two is that juveline bald eagles have bare legs without feathers.
For the secret way to distingush them I’d have to say that some dickweed dumped some trash out in the open and look what birds showed up; its all bald eagles.
As awful and regressive as the Taliban is, they dont want a global caliphate. That whole schtick is ISIS’s calling card and it means that since the US pulled out they’re fighting each other.
They’re campists; they can’t understand any level of moral complexity.
Anyone who opposes the US is inherently good, because surely the west is the only one that can be imperialistic.
The white man is finished in Asia. But if the Chinese stay now, they will never go. As for me, I prefer to sniff French shit for five years than to eat Chinese shit for the rest of my life.
The point of an armorer on set is that they ensure that the guns aren’t dangerous. The typical rules about “don’t aim at something you don’t want to destroy” doesn’t apply in a movie because otherwise all the action sequences would look dumb with people firing wildly at the ground. How stupid would it look if John Wick shoots at the floor and blood spurts out of the guys face.
That said, anyone who hires a scab armorer gets what they pay for and deserve to be prosecuted.