• 38 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • What I fears is that its a matter of time before entertainment industry figures out a way to stop those services. I’ve even begun to see discussions that open source may be struggling to remain relevant. Whose taking over for the power houses from early days. So much talent out there. But I really worry the community will shrink over time because we all raiser a generation on the concept of monetization rather than open collaboration. I look out on the internet and the loudest voices are artists and content creators. Both groups who push the fuck you pay me mentality that I believe was not what we all had originally on the internet and it makes me so worried to think how that will only grow if there is no push back.

  • That’s exactly what I’m saying with it too. All of this started out as a place to share and collaborate and to reject the stuff that made all other industries rotten.

    We had something amazing and we let it rot on our watch and that’s something we can’t ever fix but I don’t think we should forget how badly we fucked up. And how we fucked up should be remembered in case we ever get any new frontier.

    YouTube never had ads. We all just shared videos. It was a big deal every time they brought it in. Pewdie pi made a fortune and it was all over from there.

    Ill never support any of these content creators or buy any subscriptions. None of this should have been monetized. Advertising is out of control and it was already bad before the internet. Some of us are experiencing an ad 24/7 a day now.

  • Mind explains what is far fetched about it?

    There was an opioid crisis where drug makers sold pills to the public that the public did not need and they used doctors to sell them.

    There is an advertising epidemic where industry is working to push ads into every space we listen, look or experience and they are using content creators to justify it

    Both have a large well funded industry. Both require an interface between public and the industry to sell their product. Both push products to people who don’t need them by using these interfaces to bullshit, lie and leverage their authority to sell the product. And in one case we blame the interface in the other we say " they aren’t responsible they are just making money" so why?

  • If Netflix ads were just energy drinks and VPN then you’re cool with them adding these tiers?

    Honest to god question. How many hours a day are you OK being spent on being sold something. What is your ratio of content to ads.

    That’s your time by the way. My full belief is anyone trying to sell me anything needs to pay me. Not a content creator. That’s my time I barely have any of it to give so when 1 hr out of 3 hrs I got to relax is spent being sold shit I’m pretty pissed.

    And it isn’t like I can. Just opt to enjoy ad free content creators. They no longer exist because the ones that monetized it. That’s the part I hate most.

  • Sure, or accept that you participating in that industry will always lead to this stuff.

    What do people want here. In what world do you think you can separate the two things. Monetizing content through ads and marketing and a world where ads and marketing are not capitalized on.

    We all had to stop this decades ago when it was a tiny little part of the internet. You can’t kill it once its tendrils are in every corner its grown into Fafnir

    You all have to get better at listening to the crazy ranting of random strangers with hair triggers and obsess over things you don’t care about. Otherwise the future is bleek

    What’s even crazier is kids today will never realize the freedom that the first few decades of the internet was when the topic of information scarcity was supposed to end.

    We were all so against the idea that capitalist and opportunistic people could artificially create scarcity to make us all pay more. They did it through monopolies on industry’s that choked out smaller competitors. The internet was a new frontier that was supposed to reject that. We could digitally copy and share everything. Hero’s shot up and built all kinds of amazing tools and things. Then it got popular and we recreated the same scarcity issues within decades. Everything trapped behind walls and monetized. Instead of open courseware at Berkeley we favored monthly subscriptions to udemy.

    This is the average 6 year olds dream right now. A life where they can emulate a NASCAR fender and live that twitch life just like their heroes Pewdie and Moist and whatever else. Those kids grow up with that mentality and end up shaping a new generation pulling away from what all this could have been.

  • Censoring books due to reasons like “these books provide a point of view I’m not comfortable exposing my kids too” is usually a bad reason to censor books.

    Problem I see is its all a pendulum on these issues where the reaction swings wildly back and forth the more energy were putting into it rather than having it settle the fuck down.

    For instance these books being removed aren’t produced in spite of this issue. But for sure if we dig into censorship topic then pro censorship groups start bringing out books to be edgy cunts and prove a point.

    Every issue has edge cases and we live in a time where people are so willing to be right they will make every edge case the center of an issue. Like in order to keep Maus on shelves we will now need to have a copy of Bomb making 101 or a book were one of these people wrote FUCK a million times just so they can get anti censorship people to say “hey that isn’t cool guys” but also the problem is I often find people are so militant in our beliefs that we have a hard time saying “that isn’t cool” when faced with something not cool but also that grinds against our moral beliefs

  • See I don’t really follow this stuff to hard. But that’s what I found funny was what you said sort of. These guys were the guys who write papers and study the rise of fascists and especially a focus on the Nazi’s and their opinion the were bringing up was that its not a predictive tool. Its something that is useful to look backwards and hypothesis what lead to a rise but it doesn’t work looking forward as well and can often be used to be a pretty big political hammer regardless of accuracy and that we should be more careful with it.