I love it! We went from battery tech to being me getting scolded like a toddler. We are going to have to disagree here. If you can’t stay awake and alert for 19 hours, fine. Good on you for recognizing your limits, but you have to concede there are people out in the world who can do it, safely. Probably more than you think. Yes there is a reason truck drivers keep logs and take lawful mandatory rests. They do it as a job every day, and they get exploited to keep a schedule. Mulitple days of sleep deprivation will have consequences. Were are talking about 1 recreational day on a motorcycle with plenty of preparation. Believe or not it’s not hard. Especially in perfect weather conditions.
I appreciate your point of view, but I think it’s kind of reductive. Anyone taking on a road trip like that needs to understand their physical fitness and their limits. I wasn’t bragging. And there are plenty of people out there who have done what I have so there is no reason to think I’m treading new water. I learned from others who ride. You keep yourself physically fit, Get a good nights rest, stay hydrated, but most importantly you know your limits and know when to stop if there are signs. You do you, and I’ll do me.
That’s optimistic and I like that, but a company like Honda doesn’t make decisions based on optimism. They’re confined by government regulations and bottom line profit. I heard last year that they had planned to discontinue the Goldwing soon due to JP environmental regulations, so this announcement doesn’t surprise me. The Goldiwng is a 6 cyl with a 5 gal tank that estimates about 300 mile range. I do hope that at some point in my life we will see comparable range performance in EVs. The pessimist in me is worried we’re going to be limited in the distances we can travel in a day. The last time I made a trip across the US from California to home it took 3 days. I can’t imagine how long it would have taken if we had to stop to charge every 200-250 miles. I haven’t even heard of an EV cycle with anything near that range yet. 15 years isn’t that far away.
I’ve made multiple 1,200 mile trips in under 24 hours on my Goldwing. I don’t think we are anywhere near the battery tech required for anything close to that, and I’m worried the technology limitations will prevent batteries from ever reaching that.
People today tend to fixate on the things that are out of their control. Perhaps it’s because we have lost our coping mechanisms. Perhaps it’s because they never learned any. We live in the most technologically advanced point in time we have ever known. Few of us need to go out and till the earth to grow our own food. The majority of us don’t have to physically work as hard as previous generations. Adults and our children find their enjoyment and existential dread by watching tiny screens filled with useless entertainment. Maybe things are fine. We just make shitty choices about what to do with our time, and what we give our attention to.
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Kudos for staying cool headed. Sometimes it’s hard to do when people are grossly inconsiderate.
Final Fantasy VII. Don’t change the story. Don’t change the combat. Don’t change the open world. Don’t add a damn card game. Don’t add a damn VR training session. Don’t split it up into episodes.
Just update the graphics and fix bugs.
If people like it, then do VIII next.
Sounds like my Sony Bravia
I suspect marketing bullshittery. I’ve bought “sugar in the raw” a few years ago to try, and it reminded me of back in In high school chemistry II in which I did an experiment where I took a brand name sugar and a lower budget brand sugar and examined it under a microscope. The budget brand sugars’ crystal structure was larger but hollow. Weighing the two by volume showed less mass for the budget brand. Putting the same volume of the two in a mortar and grinding with a pestle yielded less volume for the budget brand which means for the same volume you’re getting less sugar.
I believe that “sugar in the raw” does the same thing to give you less for more price, but compounds it’s marketing by telling you it’s unprocessed and more natural. Maybe that’s true but you’re certainly getting less product for the price. One would think less processing would cost less. The only difference from the experiment was that you were paying less for less. Kind of interesting how business ethics have changed over the years.
OpenAudible. I strip the DRM from all of my Audible audiobooks and archive them.
There’s a free way to do it using rainbowcrack but OA is simpler.
Thanks for the heads up. As the developer of Voyager, What are your thoughts on the Sublinks project?
Edit: Can confirm 17.4 fixed invisible gifs on my side.
Exactly the kind of thing I would expect to mildly infuriate someone who wears socks labeled right and left.
Can’t upvote today, and my account seems to be labeled as a bot.
Lemmy user #1: “Stop posting Jean memes!”
Lemmy user #2: “Fine you post something then.”
Lemmy user #1: “No.”
Battle bots, but the stakes are for territory!
Don’t you just love hard water?
I just watched it for the first time. I’m old enough to remember the cover art at the rental store. The face on the cover never makes an appearance. I was surprised to find out it’s an Australian movie and cast as I’m in NA and I saw it in multiple VHS rental stores as a kid back then. There are some noted parallels to current day political themes. It doesn’t hammer you over the head with it like today, but expects you to be smart enough to understand the message which is a breath of fresh air. I wonder what the historic Australian politics of that era was the basis for the references. The story is a basic “if you don’t like your situation then change it yourself”. I would give it a 7/10 for a B-movie.