Yes you can. It requires those docker containers to be installed and plugged into it on a stand alone system. This is exactly what HAOS is doing behind the scenes for is users and why many stick with it.
Yes you can. It requires those docker containers to be installed and plugged into it on a stand alone system. This is exactly what HAOS is doing behind the scenes for is users and why many stick with it.
Switch Sports, 1\2 switch, Everybody 1\2 switch
If he made them a beneficiary then they would have a right to the money? An I missing something there?
Yeah it’s near impossible to block on streaming services because most of the ads are served up from the same DNS locations that the watchable media is hosted on.
What makes it better other than the UI? I’m weary of using it because it is developed by Russian developers.
I completely forgot I had installed this app until reading this post. Guess they are making the right choice!
Why not try a Pixel then? I’m on the S22 Ultra and already thinking of giving pixel a go on my next upgrade. They touted 4 years of support for this model but if they increase to 7 then I’ll just need to wait and see what’s out there at that time.
Yeah cause I got it for $15. Was burned on the first title getting it for $60 then seeing it regularly for $10. I wised up this time.
I was very ready to post “Buy a 21st century mouse.” lol
That’s also a good option but I wouldn’t with 6 drivers personally. I have a 12 bay array with two pools of 6 each running raidz2. I’ve run raid 5 for a long time but have had one drive fail many times and always have mini heart attacks while I wait for the new drive to come in and the rebuild process to happen.
With that amount of storage I highly recommend RAID6.
Has there ever been a current president that the party has not put up for re-election after their first term? The decision isn’t really up to me as a pleb Democrat, it’s up to the party in Washington D.C. on who they want to represent the party in the election. When given the choice, I’ll vote for anyone over Trump.
I had an issue with my launch day PS2 when it was still in circulation. Thankfully the fix was to open up the console and flip a toggle switch to allow it to read both both DVD and PS2 games again. Console is still going strong to this day for me.
Vasectomy’s are reversible while tube tieing is not. It’s still bullshit females can’t make that decision for themselves though.
This is the way. My setup is very similar except I only use authentik for Nextcloud. I don’t expose my “arr” services to the Internet so I don’t feel it necessary to put them behind authentik, although I could if I wanted.
Using Duo’s free 10 personal licenses is also great as it can also plug into authentik for MFA through the solution.
Are you sure you’re not thinking of Octopath Traveler? That was the first game with that engine and they presented it as a working title when first announced.
An argument against that is that typically the only need for multiple accounts is if a specific instance has defederated against another instance. In most cases those defederated instances are hosting hostile or pedo content. Good riddance!
This is the literal reason I could not watch the new lost in space series. The first episode was flashback hell and I never bothered to go further than that. If you need to keep flashing back to “the start of the story” maybe you should just fucking start there.
On the flip side, I recently watched Scorsesi’s Casino for the first time which starts with Robert DeNiro’s character getting blown up. Was a great movie still.
Unfortunately since it happened in September it happened before the vote took place. Still despicable though
Also -1 for netdata. I loved the analytics but it brought all of my VMs to a screeching halt. It did not seem very will optimized for the amount of data it was polling.