Also experimental. No one wants to make the drugs used to end life so states are buying expired product and shady drugs from Indian compound pharmacies.
Also experimental. No one wants to make the drugs used to end life so states are buying expired product and shady drugs from Indian compound pharmacies.
Same. My wife is super versed and has let me know a lot of shit I’ve said for years has kinda gross origins.
Should prolly stop saying “jipped” fyi
I was also all in since the reddit days. Learned to cook and even bought some of his wares. Unsubbed after the sponsor and never went back.
The “rockets” you’re referencing aren’t the threat you’re trying to invoke. How many Israelis have been killed by Hamas rockets ever much less since October 7th? Maybe if Israel didn’t have a concentration camp outside of their city walls they wouldn’t have to worry about the threat of retribution?
Better analogy is the Uvalde shooter also starved and killed kids in the school for generations. Then some of the starving children started throwing sharpened pencils.
One of my favorite youtubers munecat made a great video on Sovereign Citizens and how the brain rot is going international