Ah you mean the guy who sold out to Hillary. Yea we definitely need more sellouts with beach houses.
Tombstone literally says 2019
And its actually a real person and hero to the city!
They wont. Its irrational but a large group views your car as a drivable hate symbol. Irrationality is kind of how strong emotions work. (Kind of like how truck bois would coal roll and slash the tires of prius owners)
As someone who has eaten amlot of corn dogs… That’s a barbie swan lake plastic plate from 2003.
Glad you went with wrapper and not the original term.
Its cheese flavored.
That big dick energy
Im just glad you are showering. Its a start.
This is how the robots take over by drowning us in our sleep.
The original was an Italian flag if i remember correctly.
Yea you got logs and an info board on your ship that explained it.
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Written with her dads cum. Touching message indeed!
By being a twat, if my memory or no is is correct.
I wish they would bring back the game settings that gave us the major customizations.
My nephew got suspended from his school for drawing a gun and again for eating a piece of pizza and leaving it on his tray in the shape of a gun.
From the look of it the dog fucks him.
Spent a year and a half unemployed and it was the best time of my life. The only part that sucked was the looking and interviewing for jobs part.