Maybe he gets aborted into the antichrist. I am OK with that.
Biodegrading faster than scrolling.
Maybe he gets aborted into the antichrist. I am OK with that.
Jim Jordan is mentally retarded and should not have more power than the ability to use a can opener.
People don’t want to wear a facemask. Imagine a parachute. We are truly garbage.
Why Democrats don’t make this clown the poster child of the last throes GOP is puzzling.
You too Moscowclowns are funny in your shit pro Putin propaganda.
This person should be changing oil at a gas station off the Alabama river Delta instead of Senator for that state.
That shit brand created a cult for dimwits thinking they are better and smarter than everybody else by becoming platform slaves, and thus be exploited, as their only benefit of their deficiencies and dependency is consumism.
Elizabeth II and then all the way backwards to king Athelstan.
There are like 35 scripts capturing every stroke; privacy is not going to invade itself.
You have to learn to never hate yourself. If you do, you make the shitty people around you right. We all human are shit in one way or another. But nobody deserves to be treated as if they are shit by default.
Find a niche where you can belong and become an authority in it. Stop trying to fit. Embrace your nature, and just then, you will find your path.
I actually freeze slices of those cakes. It lasts months
Tube-o-vile. GOP at its finest.
Nixon, Reagan, Bush 1, Thatcher, Mao, Thọ, and many more scumbags welcome this monster in hell. Disgusting.
I think it is a lot simpler in the mind of politicians: “Tiktok is popular in America but not American. How can we make it ours?”