Security guy sacrificed himself with the flying body block. Pretty impressive!
Security guy sacrificed himself with the flying body block. Pretty impressive!
You’re the only one doing a dumb dance by defending Israel in their land grab and genocide. And if I was a Palestinian in Gaza I’d damn sure be fighting against the IDF invading my land, raping my sisters and killing my children.
Floridians are still voting Red in droved. Guess something else is more important to them at the polls.
Get involved locally and build from there. Under 60? You’ll be the youngest there in a lot of Democratic clubs.
Our current political structure and the two party system makes even the best politician look feeble.
I’m not sure how to do it but proposes to fix it in the near future (if we all bought in, I suppose).
One thing that sticks out on that sit is that whether all of voters agree or very few of us agree on a policy there’s about a 30% chance of the policy becoming law.
It goes without saying that the rich and corporations benefit from the current system. It will be tough to change. And makes our system pretty pathetic in practice.
Yeah, Roku must be on its last legs with the crap they’re pulling. All of this says to me: don’t buy Roku.
Maybe that’s just the first bill.
Someone posted this link in another thread. The site has ranked choice voting among other things as ways to fix the US political system. Which at times has seemed so broken to me that I believed only a revolution could fix. The site talks about starting local and is optimistic that we could fix it democratically and over the next decade or so (I don’t remember the timeline, just that it seemed quicker and with less drastic measures than I assumed would be needed).
Bonus, Jennifer Lawrence is involved and in the initial information video.
Something that did stand out was that, currently, whether a policy had 0% public support or 100% public support there was only about 30% chance of the policy/law getting passed. And that 70% of a politicians time was spent raising money to get elected.
This guy’s (image not op) whole thing on Twitter seemed to be post something like that and then 5 donation posts. I couldn’t determine if legit but seemed sketchy so I blocked.
Crickets on the fact that so many users of 10+ years left, deleting their content on the way out? Seems writer didn’t dig very deep. Not that Rodent would give them accurate numbers or anything.
That song still jams, though. The hook brings you back.
Dang, no wonder he can do it all in one night. It finally makes sense!
You want the reason we’re down voting you and the post? Because anyone undecided is a fucking moron so we don’t give a shit what they think. Same with those voting for Trump.