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Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2020


  • Current inflation is being caused because of high interest rates

    Lowering and raising interest rates directly correlates with the increasing or reducing inflation.

    When rates are high there is less money in the market because people by bonds because they guarantee a return of x%. This means there is less money in the market and the currency becomes stronger.

    When rates are low money floods the market as people acquire assets, property etc The decreased price of loans like mortgages results in increased demand which results in more expensive houses.

    If you have a lot of cash buying a house in a high interest market is actually the best case because houses have to be priced lower to compensate for the mortgage costs.

    All that being said China lowering it’s interest rate will make loans cheaper but increase inflation. They have a weird real estate market though.

  • You have been lied to.

    No I haven’t. Sorry but kids don’t get to do whatever they want precisely because they might kill themselves or engage in self harm. That’s a symptom of something else. I suspect it’s lack if a structured home life, unmonitored internet access, pornography and the hypersexualized culture at large among other things.

    Minors (especially teenagers) will do anything for attention and being ‘trans’ is often a means to that end. Even worse it’s often presented as a solution for problems it can’t solve. Parents can fall into this trap too.

    This gives kids more time to grow up without having permanent changes

    Yeah there’s nothing permanent about stunting a childs adolescence while everyone around them naturally grows into their bodies and actually learns what it’s like to be a man and a woman instead of weirdly speculating on the sidelines. We’re robbing kids of normal childhoods by not just allowing but often encouraging them to obsess over this stuff.

    Kids should have hobbies, read books, be responsible for chores at home and be raised by parents not the state. Adults can do what they want but they need to leave kids out of it.

    Self-harm and suicide statistics are cited repeatedly as perhaps THE primary argument for the child trans stuff as if it is that cut and dry. It’s not. I can guarantee these situations are way more complex than anyone wants to admit. Something like 1 out of every 2 or 3 adults are on antidepressants in the west. It’s not because they are transgender it’s because we have a nihilistic culture that offers no meaning to life outside of consumption and worship of self.

  • It doesn’t say you get any firearm

    It says shall not be infringed which means what it says. There is no prescription for what is allowed but instead the opposite. The government cannot and should not prevent the population from arming itself. If people think that’s disagreeable then they should amend the constitution not defy it.

    The constitution was written by people who had just overthrown a government. This amendment wasn’t written to protect the rights of hunters. It’s specifically to enable the people to take control if the government gets out hand.

    Also, which militia are you a member of, specifically?

    Do you think the US would allow a militia to exist when it’s entire purpose is to be a check on government power?

  • If you block trans teens from receiving gender affirming care, some of them will commit suicide.

    “They will kill themselves if you dont do x” isn’t an argument. If anything it’s a problem statement.

    If you let them destroy their young, still forming bodies many of them will regret it and commit suicide later when they realize they have irrecoverably destroyed their natural sexual function. They are children with a limited capacity to understand the totality of how this will impact the rest of their life. If doctors and schools communicate openly and honestly with parents (which they don’t) the situation can be handled in ways befitting a minor.

  • No.


    The dollar has recently been stronger against the Euro, Pound, Yuan, Ruble, and Yen.

    What does that have to do with my point? The petrodollar is (for now) the reserve currency and has a place of privilege where it can generally farm out the effects of it’s overprinting and mismanagement to other countries and currencies.

    The dollar is STILL in freefall though. Look at purchasing power. The prices of groceries, houses, lumber, commodities etc

    I attribute this to the COVID cash giveaway where we printed 20% of all the dollars that had ever been printed in history up to that point.