The “holes” on her cheeks are easy to miss but seriously unsettling close up. They’re not like freckles or blackheads but more like what termite tunnels look like in wood.
The “holes” on her cheeks are easy to miss but seriously unsettling close up. They’re not like freckles or blackheads but more like what termite tunnels look like in wood.
A lot of the shill marketing is very hard to prove. A lot of the dialogue gets mixed in with commentors that have genuine brand loyalty.
It’s far too easy for a marketing team to acquire a high karma account and blend in. We’ll never get a truly clear picture of how much Reddit is astroturfed.
Some chiropracters are more or less “bootleg” physical therapists that use the same treatment. Of course, there is no guarantee that a given chiropractor will use effective and proven treatments like a licensed PT practitioner.
Yea. It’s a very detached and odd statement he said, but I’m still wondering why not many are drawing the line to that. For the record I doubt he can do much damage to these corporations himself.
The wrong people tend to kill themselves in general. Those who commit the worst acts usually have supremely high self-confidence and self-assurance.
I interpreted that as a veiled threat of reprisal against the companies boycotting it. Maybe that’s a darker way of thinking about it, but I wouldn’t be too surprised.
Absolutely true. Best practice is to assume your Google Drive is effectively public regardless of permissions. It is very easy for a Drive to get hacked in my experience, not even considering the surveillance from Alphabet.
Not to say it’s acceptable, but many governments will downplay the ugly side of their own history in public schools. Japan is notorious for this.
I think the best course of action outside of education is to distribute suppressed history knowledge as much as we can. Thankfully, it’s much harder to stop this knowledge from being shared outside of public schools.
Many have caught onto the “boring name” thing and will click on any folder with a mundane name even slightly out of place. Encrypted ZIP files still work though, lol.
Social media addiction is widespread. Once these sites get their hooks in their users, they will keep coming back to the site no matter how it makes them feel. It takes a conscious effort to either wean off or go cold-turkey on a particular site. Many get lazy or too comfortable to make the switch.