Data, Mozilla has issued a ruling. You are the property of Firefox. You can not opt-out.
Data, Mozilla has issued a ruling. You are the property of Firefox. You can not opt-out.
I wish the best for those legally compelled by their HOA to maintain a colony of unwanted plants.
Maybe one day sanity will return to their regime and they’ll be able to grow tomatoes and other peasantries like the rest of us.
And in future news 😉
The schadenfreude here is delicious, alas the perils of being such a vehemently player-hostile game publisher 😂
I am now more impressed at what Lower Decks did with fewer, shorter episodes a season than Discovery.
Well said, I can’t help but agree.
I’m part of the sad cohort that liked S1 the most, so I envy those for whom the show got better. Yall got a much better ride.
I like to think of Mirror Chakotay like, with giant eagles’ wings and singin’ lead vocals for photonic Lynyrd Skynyrd with like a Maquis band.
Bottom one looks like Enterprise D with no neck or arms.
I wonder if it came with the emergency saucer sep package?
The disappointment and dejection in his voice is perfectly appropriate for AI slop 😎
Imagine you could sell $39.99 shovelware to almost every single kid that watches Jimmy Neutron, because you’re gonna drown that show in ads for it.
The child then grinds down the parents’ resolve and the money is eventually spent.
I totally didn’t witness this first hand when sculpting feces into nickelodeon-shaped games.
They had me for a hot second because I saw Into The Breach on the app store 🤩
But you can’t even run the game without logging in to a Netflix account 🤮
I mean I had one, but fuck that noise I’m not cosigning on that bullshit 😤
Nothing augurs success like hearing about the “incredible talent” that just went to “other teams at EA” 🙃
He pulls back an entire fleet after Worf quotes Kaylee’s Kahless to him, which I felt demonstrated how Gowron deep down values honor.
After that though he decides to give Martok the Flavius Aetius treatment, despite how slimy it is.
Edit: kahless
Edit 2: forgot to agree with you! Ultimately he’s very cartoonish because he goes so hard with his lines and stares. Especially when he threatens to paint the future with blood if the council supports Duras’ heir.
Also some unexpected glory of my own
The original ending was a very “that’s it?” moment.
The actually added a new game-over condition, by allowing you to just shoot the annoying reaper child, to quell the frustrations people felt.
Even in the remaster is still feels like a choice between red, blue, or green color endings.
RIP Marauder Shields, the true final boss of ME3 🙏
That, to me, is the real tragedy of Mass Effect, looking back through this new lens. BioWare seems to have borrowed many concepts from Revelation Space, but very little of it is explored with any depth, and none of the ideas are given new twists that improve upon them.
Damn, didn’t expect a thoughtful analysis of Revelation Space and its impact on Mass Effect.
But since Mass Effect avoided most of the extra weird stuff, the ending of Mass Effect 3 never really had a chance to be good.
Ahh, can’t talk about ME without addressing the elephant in the room the controversial ending.
Good read 👍
Do you hear the cry of the rope calling you to jump, calling you to glory like a Klingon?
Children, we ride for stovokor
Ya that episode is great. It lurked in the back of my mind every episode afterward, always hoping to hear any sort of throwaway line about the fate of that ship.
Haha yes, thanks. The power of a traumatic episode huh?
We could do this all day, I just reached for this example because of my recent run Gowron of episodes 🖖