probably a good thing but just banning something doesnt do anything - you have to enforce it by getting rid of the software & then keep enforcing it
probably a good thing but just banning something doesnt do anything - you have to enforce it by getting rid of the software & then keep enforcing it
was cp/m really that good? never used it and all of the media I’ve seen of it looks like just another variant of dos. i grew up using dos, and I use the shell for a lot of stuff at work all the time these days, but i think most people prefer to interact via a gui
possibly - but it’s rather meaningless in the grand scheme of things. Israel’s government doesnt care about what American college students do.
and you’re not even supposed to have a cellphone in use while driving in WA, that’s an automatic ticket… though the police have you catch you doing it first.
yeah that was one thing that separated his term from basically all preceding Presidents in ~20+ years - he didnt get us mired in any wars.
cool - but if their product lines are modular and they try to break out of their niche market. whats to stop someone with a lot more capital from snapping them up (Dell, Lenovo, etc)?
sounds like hazing. that’s more of a fraternity/sorority thing - or, at least, it was when I was in school
sugar is probably cheaper than other additives they could have used (powdered cadmium, etc)
obviously it wouldnt be prison like real prison but more of like goodfellas prison
isnt Modi a shoein for the upcoming election though?
might be interesting to see what “always low low prices” looks like from the financial lending perspective…
and then some kids got shot
lol wat. why?
nice! those eastern european languages always confuse me
almost sounds like the CCP knows exactly where covid originated
a car driven by a 15-year-old boy struck her as she walked from school to a library
why is the city on the hook for this one? are they supposed to just let car thieves drive away?
what language is that? looks sort of… polish?
had no idea they were still in production
it’s a complete success compared to Iran’s defensive measures
lol there’s never been an “era of peace”