He began his leadership by supporting the truckers. That says it all right there.
He began his leadership by supporting the truckers. That says it all right there.
Yeah, we delayed it by a month without really doing anything. All his “demands” were met superficially.
We didn’t miss, we got some smart folks during that time.
Trudeau did a great job of doing this the first time around. We got some big names in Chemistry back across the border. Thanks Trump lol
Yeah, that’s kind of it, isn’t it?
Oh, from Albertans. It sounded like the Smith government was meddling.
Jeez, that’s higher support than I thought. I always thought it was more of a fringe issue. It will probably be like marijuana. Popular policy for a long time until it finally gets adopted.
Ad campaigns from Alberta?
It’s one of the main problems I’ve had with PP from the get go. He won’t talk like an adult and he complains all the time.
I feel the same. Still won’t vote for him, but it’s nice to see some competence coming out of him for a change.
This is a one string song it goes 035036503530 on E
No one mentioned “Smoke on the Water”! If you can’t play smoke on the water then you have my permission to smash the thing.
I think on the desktop version many years ago the downvote button was hidden, but if you visited from anywhere else you could downvote.
Plus he has a great platform of nuking the great lakes!
Look into cost plus drugs maybe. Apparently they are trying to shine a light on all the scummy stuff happening in the industry.
Why are you so sure the gift is for you?
Just pour some hot wax in your ear and let it set. Candles are cheap.
Yeahhhh, maybe not…
And what are the communists up to?
I don’t think anyone is shedding a tear for sports franchises during this trade war.