This shit hurts me every time. I remember playing xbox360 in high school with my friends. I’m getting old.
This shit hurts me every time. I remember playing xbox360 in high school with my friends. I’m getting old.
I just moved from my aging 1080ti (which I might go back to) to an ampere RTX A4000 and I am getting the occasionally entire screen freeze and I have to restart to fix it.
I hope this addresses that.
I never used Plex. Up until my kids were born I used to just watch my videos on my desktop, but now I find myself watching on my phone and TV more often. My Jellyfin server has been super stable for the last 6 months or so running on a super low powered machine and external hard drive. The only issues I have is with movies with Dolby digital, they tend to get out of sync when scrubbing the timeline. I am assuming that is due to the lower power of the machine. But, I have a 400watt desktop with a 7th gen i7 and a pascal Quadro P1000 that I am planning on migrating to. Then adding a 20tb internal drive for storage. Hopefully that will resolve the small issues I have seen with it.
Good to know that in another 30 years, I will still be doing the dumb shit I’ve been doing for the last 20.
I use traefik. I like it. Took a bit to understand, but it has some cool options like ssl passthrough and middlewares for basic auth.
I use emacs when on my personal machines. VS Code at work.
The fastest tool is the one you are best at using. I find that my tool doesn’t make me fast, my ability to solve issues makes me fast. I very rarely learn a new tool unless it accomplishes something for me my other tools do not.
For example, at work I use windows and regularly ssh to servers. My entire job is spent ssh’d into other servers. Emacs terminal emulator is spotty at best when using ssh on windows. There are ways to make it work, but some modifications get flagged by our SEIMs. So in that case I use vs code, and the ssh remote connection options and split terminal interface.
At home I use emacs. I have all Linux machines so my terminal plays nicely. I also am working on reducing my RSI from years of tech work. The less mousing I have to do, the better. Emacs allows me to keep my hands on my keyboard.
It’s really a bummer seeing how much childish drama is in the Linux dev community.
I am not nearly a good enough dev to contribute to the Linux kernel, but I am working my way towards that point currently at night after my kids are in bed. Be the change and what not.
This is a good point. Generally if can accomplish what I want with my own scripts, I will go that route. I’ll probably avoid adding additional software to the mix since what I have works fine enough.
I’ll check it out! Thanks!
I run a Fedora server.
All of my apps are in docker containers set to restart unless stopped by me.
Then I run a cron job that is scheduled at like 3 or 4am that runs docker pull on all containers and restarts them. Then it runs all system updates and restarts the server.
Every week or so I just spot check to make sure it is still working. This has been my process for like 6 months without issue.
Atari 2600. Got in a few years ago from my in laws. Still hook it up and play berzerk from time to time.
Lmao. I think the art really sells the story, even if it is a little offensive. There is so much depth including an economy where you can trade and sell business stocks (before and after killing influential figures), and most importantly, fish and organs. I think the most stable place you can have your money is as either pancreas or liver as they are always about 1 dollar. It’s like bio crypto lol.
I have played only about 30 hours, but I have not even scratched the surface of secrets that are there.
Cruelty Squad without a doubt.
I didn’t own this console when it was released, but I remember being totally enamored with it. I thought everything about it was just so cool. The boot screen, the console shape and look, the games on it. It was just so cool. I have since purchased one as an adult and it is one of my favorite consoles of all time. There is a timeline where this came out and competed against the ps1 and not the PS2 and we live in a world where Sega is in Sony’s place.
If that is the case, I would go with your favorite library of games, and if not that, then go with the console that has your favorite game. I recommend the NES not only because it has an amazing original library, but there are also still some small niche studios making games for the NES today and it is amazing what they have learned to squeeze out of that hardware.
My personal preference is NES -> Master System -> Atari due to the game libraries.
With that said, do you have any favorite games that are exclusive to either console? That might help make the decision. Are you able to gettl the games? I would argue without games to play, it probably isn’t worth it. Do you have the means and ability to repair or make needed upgrades? These systems are getting on in years and I find myself repairing my consoles more frequently as the years go on.
Host is Proxmox, with Ubuntu LTS VMs.
My daughter’s drawings are held on my fridge with old HDD magnets.
I loved pop os, but in the last 6 months gnome shell has been taking up tons of ram and performance has been trash. Moved to KDE on Fedora and I am back to less than a gig of ram used at idle, and smooth as all get out.
I probably wouldn’t do it. I do have AI help at times, but it is more for bouncing ideas off of, and occasionally it’ll mention a library or tech stack I haven’t heard of that allegedly accomplishes what I’m looking to do. Then I go research the library or tech stack and determine if there is value.