Definitely kangaroos. But they have bad luck as I live in Austria and not Australia.
Definitely kangaroos. But they have bad luck as I live in Austria and not Australia.
Ahhhh, it is some Kobayashi Maru type of setting!
Yeah, I think I can remember…
Sweet times, when I made malware running with WINE.
Oh, and TIL where the German word Apfelsine is coming from.
Not sure what the English terms are, but we used Steinkohle (stone coal) for barbecue in the 80s and 90s,so I guess yes.
Sorry, I misunderstood your post.
As I read that they charge just 155 bucks in other countries I guess the high price lies in not having a suitable health care system. You can’t have both, calling other countries socialists or communists AND having good health care by having the same contracts that we have. Sorry.
If I’d walk up from coma with one leg less, I might lose my trust in doctors too…
In Austria you have to register to NOT be an organ donor. So we have about 99% donors (after brain death). I am a donor too, as I neither care about my body once I am dead nor bother to register for anything.
I use uBlock on Firefox and the blocking DNS with AirVPN.
The directive also speaks of usbc in 11 and 12 https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX:32022L2380
Seems to be USB-C explicitly. But might change in the future. https://www.europarl.europa.eu/topics/en/article/20220413STO27211/usb-type-c-to-become-eu-s-common-charger-by-end-of-2024
Just a wild guess by a fellow Austrian: we do not say O instead of 0 (like in phone numbers) in German. So it just makes no sense for average Joe to write an O. There is no connection here (we have the tramway line O though in Vienna).
That’s why I call it Raubmordkopie
I use smart tube on my chromecast and Grayjay in the phone. Both work great and Grayjay can cast.
Yes it is. And it does credit cards and addresses too. Theoretically you could design your own use cases, but you might miss categories for it.
I let bitwarden do that…
Import once in FF for Desktop, sync everything privacy friendly with an Firefox account. Never felt a difference.
Haha, never watched the movie but I might have to now. But she rounds rather Slavic. Here my favorite example of Austrian English!