Me when my sweetheart’s piano is rat-filled
Nob bindry
Me when my sweetheart’s piano is rat-filled
Just a coincidence, it was actually shaped by erosion
Gregor moment
Ctrl+v < shift+ins
You did so great on that case, were having a pizza party for the whole office!
Me when the shell is born again
I cant read the words “let me be clear” in any voice that isn’t Obama’s
Me having to switch which side of the street i walk on every other block because there aren’t always sidewalks
Ah of course, the people who didn’t want Joe Biden to support genocide decided to vote for Trump so he could support genocide even harder. That makes sense
I feel like the overlap of fediverse users and trump voters is close to 0
Long elk inscryption
What is a PINE Saiyan? (And is it better than a super saiyan?)
Kid named ed:
Which clubs provide them? Like the putters or…?
You shouldn’t, i was able to watch the video without an account
Im looking down on you from jerboa