Python doesn’t have to. Windows supports both out of the box. Has been for many, many years
Python doesn’t have to. Windows supports both out of the box. Has been for many, many years
Also, Kanban was invented in the 40s as a process for automotive production lines. That’s why it aligns so well with maintenance and operations projects in IT. It’s ridiculous how more and more people claim it comes from software development and would not fit hardware projects, when that’s the core use case of the methodology.
Windows hss supported slashes in both directions for a very long time. I almost exclusively use forward slashes to reduce mental load when switching between OSes.
This would be my gut reaction as well. I’ve met some game developers privately and got to know them better and after that a career in game development was out of the question for me. It’s not even the fault of the game studios, many of which are being lead by idealistic game devs themselves. It’s the publishers who only offer contracts that are so tightly knit, that many game studios go bankrupt after release if they can’t get another contract quick enough. The whole industry is rotten and no amount of management will save that on the lowest level of the food chain. It felt too me that only idealistic devs with a high frustration tolerance go into game development and that is being exploited to the extreme.
Whether they are fertilized depends on the facility that produces eggs and the population of chickens at the time. Cage system housing might produce almost no fertilized eggs because the animals are isolated. That system is however outlawed in some regions of the world because of animal cruelty and the requirements of high amounts of antibiotics to counter the spread of diseases. All other systems produce at least some amount of fertilized eggs, for example because of misgendered roosters becoming part of the general population until they get spotted.
Some people have successfully hatched some supermarket eggs and that is entirely plausible. They are not being hatched by the hens until the nest is full, so they may be laying around for many days before the hen starts sitting on them - they don’t need to be kept warm immediately.
Very well written. I’d only change something about this paragraph:
- Operated without production interruption even with frequent team member exit during critical phases of operation
Sounds like people were quitting on you because of terrible work conditions you fostered. An alternative could be:
The original author of git flow begs to differ. But hindsight is always 20/20
If you use feature flags, don’t forget to remove them after some grace period. Almost everything bad about feature flags that you can read online is related to long-lived feature flags and all the dead code and complexity involved. Adding a feature flags without a commitment and plan to remove them (the flag, not the feature), is asking for trouble down the line.
You can implement public or semi public ledgers without Blockchain. That’s what banks are doing already by sending huge CSV files internally and externally. Blockchain is not a technology of zero trust. It’s close to the opposite. You trust a few peers and blindly trust everyone they trust. That way you trust a network that you know nothing about and if the network decides on a common truth that you are convinced is incorrect, there is nothing you can do about it. The consensus always wins and there is no single entity to complain to and get it fixed. This is great for making sure that many actors need to be bad actors in order to have the whole system fail. It’s bad if you don’t trust anyone and want to make sure that your standards are always observed. From a technology standpoint I love the concept of Blockchain. But use cases that are not forced are few and far apart. Too few for the amount of hype it receives.
Please always add the person who is quoted. These are Trump’s words, while we are discussing what many Republicans are publicly claiming. Of course Trump wants to go way further.
This argument is extremely disingenuous. The Republicans claim that a president has immunity unless investigated and impeached by Congress. And this is exactly what they are fruitlessly flailing around, trying to do. So this is not the gotcha the meme claims it is.
It’s the same argument. Getting a reasonable amount of charging is possible in 15 minutes. But not everyone has immediate access to fast charging stations. If everyone could always make a deliberate decision whether to go easy on the battery and save money or having to be places, EVs may look much more appealing to a lot of people.
There are different versions of Outlook depending on your subscription. Companies that do things properly, never see the problematic, “free version” of Outlook. They have very fine control over the features and data collections they enable.
Fresh and most up to date kinoite installation last week, based on fedora 39. The problem is not Linux, it’s proprietary codecs and Firefox’ hesitation to enable hardware decoding on Linux by default. It’s not difficult to get it to work but it simply does not work out of the box.
Linux, browsers, and hardware accelerated videos on the web don’t go along well out of the box. Which is a total shame.
Having a static battery in the house that gets additional cycles, isn’t a big issue. Who cares if the capacity decreases by an additional 10 percent because of added cycles. Just get a battery that’s 10 percent larger from the start or add additional cells when you feel like it. In a mobile form factor, 10 percent can be a big difference. You can’t just scale up the battery when you feel like it and in the worst case scenario you would have to replace it. That’s why I would always be very conservative with using a car battery that way.
Is there a difference between regulations regarding eggs between the US and Canada? Eggs in the US are dirt cheap because almost nothing surrounding poultry is regulated. I’m happy to pay the premium in Germany for minimum living conditions, antibiotics restrictions, no culled male chicks, etc. but I also realize that not everyone here is as fortunate.
Weird, I’ve never had problems over the past 15 years or so and I’ve been using VPS servers exclusively. Maybe my providers were reputable enough.
I realize my evidence is only anecdotal, but that’s why I started “in my experience”. Also, common blacklists are checked by the services I mentioned.
In my experience, this is nothing more than an urban legend at this point. There are great standards, like DMARC, DKIM, SPF, proper reverse DNS and more, that are much more reliable and are actually used by major mail servers. Pick a free service that scans the publicly visible parts of your email server and one that accepts an email that you send to them and generates a report. Make sure all checks are green. After an initial day of two of getting it right, I’ve never had trouble with any provider accepting mail and the ongoing maintenance is very low.
Milage may vary with an unknown domain and large email volumes or suspicious contents, though.
That’s what containers are for. Fucking up the container won’t fuck up the host. That was the best decision in self hosting I’ve done. Even that one virtual machine feels weird and uncomfortably legacy now but it needs to interact with hardware in a certain way that just won’t fully work with docker.