LemmySoloHer: Across the Fediverse
Does that mean you pulled off being mean to Kim? Of those that have tried, most can’t go through with it, and I myself lack the conviction to ever even attempt it.
It’s either quite the paradox or that bear’s info is out in the open.
In other words, it’s either a bear-a-dox or that bear got doxxed.
I didn’t expect to see Armory Wars on the release list, I’m tempted to check it out! I wasn’t sure they would finish out the Good Apollo, I’m Burning Star IV series but apparently the second issue of the No World For Tomorrow story arc is releasing.
The series has been such an absolute mess but I’m fascinated by the Coheed and Cambria world and love a lot of their music so it’s been interesting seeing the characters and the story told in a straightforward way instead of just interpreted through their song lyrics and band interviews. I might wait until it’s all done and all the issues are wrapped up into a nicely priced volume but I may just get an issue if reviews say it’s good as it goes along .
Glutenous Maximus over here loving that Pig gluteus maximus.
I just looked into it, kind of surprised I didn’t know Kilian Eng’s name with so much work out there. Really cool stuff that also sent me down a rabbit hole of other stuff Floating World Comics has republished.
The more I think about this the more curious I am as to what’s on it. Nice work reaching out to the Smithsonian, sometimes you gotta take action to satiate curiosity.
I love all the Big MT stuff so much. Dr. 0 being voiced by the same actor that voices Dr. Rusty Venture on The Venture Bros. made every hilarious piece of dialogue in that place even better.
I’m pretty sure this was the plot of the movie Stealth (2005) starring Josh Lucas, Jamie Foxx and Jessica Biel.
Reminds me of Napoleon Dynamite’s pocket tots.
They’re definitely talking about the Mannequin movies though only the first one came out in the 80s, with Mannequin 2: On the Move being released in 1991 (though I think it was actually more 80s than the one that released in the 80s, if that makes sense). I think the sequel is the one with the hot air balloon sequence at the end, though maybe they both had hot air balloons?
Andean Cock-of-the-Rock is my new DnD bard name.
It kind of gave the guy in the background some boob armor.
Ah now I see it, thank you!
I might sound like an idiot but what is the thing in the center of the photo used in this article? At first I thought it was someone in a black robe and black veil making their case to the council which upon closer inspection can’t be true, then looking closer it looks like a filled trash bag in the middle of the council which makes even less sense.
What am I looking at here?
Just a clarification, Trigun Stampede is not a prequel but is an alternate universe re-imagining of the original.
When the producers approached the creator about doing something very different from the source material, the creator mentioned that the first anime adaptation was “really excellent”, and that “anything beyond the original anime is more of a bonus time, so you could pretty much do whatever you want to with it.” They liked the idea of how, for example, there are different versions of Spider-Man in the Spider-Verse (so that the 90s Spider-Man show, Ultimate Spider-Man, etc., would all be very different from each other). This is them doing that for Vash and company.
It’s very different in a lot of ways, you can think of it as an alternate universe from the original. I would strongly recommend first time viewers watch the original anime in its entirety first and then check out Stampede if they’re itching for more of that world in a very different flavor.
I just did it and it worked! It’s definitely a jumble of music files but it’s all there, every last bit. Thank you, thank you so much. This has been weighing on my mind for so long, there are so many songs I can put back on my offline playlists now that I have them again. You’re the best!
I’m pretty sure Neil Gaiman enjoys milk and cookies, he even wrote the story Fortunately, The Milk where a kid goes back in time to get the ever-important milk that his father forgot to pick up.