If they’re full of US military personnel, does it matter who legally owns the land? 😉
If they’re full of US military personnel, does it matter who legally owns the land? 😉
But also to not have multiple US military bases already on British soil.
I’m not a military person, but I feel that could be seen as tactically unwise…
Something completely realistic, right?
Buddy, the world is a dumpster fire right now and it’s only getting worse.
I don’t watch films for realism. I want the billionaires to get fed into their drug crushing machine*, or sucked out of the window of their private jet, or get minced by their giant drill or blown up in their yachts.
I want the good guys to win for a change.
*yes, I know this was a henchman. Don’t @ me
I’ll take a personal day. Maybe I’ll watch, maybe I’ll just slob on the sofa, we’ll see…
Alright, Columbo, calm down.
Ok, legit sremoved from that, but I do approve of the way they showed their working.
Edit: do I have to write “snicker” like an American? Does some bot suffer from the Scunthorpe problem here?
What’s wrong with Neil’s beard?
Depends how bad at walking they are…
I might be in the minority here, but I think retconning hard earned, character defining/shaping/progression arcs is a bad thing.
No, I agree with you, I’d just never really thought it through with The Master/Missy. And we don’t know how many extra regenerations they were given in the Time War, so there’s plenty of room if we assume the great (and tragically underused) Derek Jacobi was “reset” to One, Missy could potentially be Thirteen, and then there’s plenty to play with in the middle.
I do at least think the genocide thing with the Doctor was handled well - because of some “you don’t really remember future events” shenanigans when meeting multiple versions of yourself, all of the Doctors from John Hurt to Matt Smith “remembered” making that decision, and it was compassion from that experience that led him to go back to be there when he did it, and finally realising he could have a second chance at it. It doesn’t undo anything Ecclestone or Tennant went through.
And while it was a good couple of Doctors, lifting that shadow means that Gatwa can be more cheerful and optimistic, but still with the dark side of having fought in the war and knowing he COULD have made that decision of he’d had to. It stops the Doctor just getting potentially grimmer and grimmer as more and more terrible things keep happening.
On the one hand, yes. And it does make a good tragedy.
On the other? We’ve seen the Master be turned into a cat person, exterminated by the Daleks, sucked into the Eye of Harmony and be dragged back into the Time Locked end days of the Time War (although I suppose that could be where he regenerates into Dhawan and kills all the Time Lords).
Don’t rule out Missy’s successor returning, is what I’m saying…
Edit: oh, also, since Missy has at least vague memories of meeting herself when she was Simm, she’s had a while to figure out a solution.
Are you saying Sacha Dhawan’s Master was an earlier incarnation than Missy? 😲
It would almost be funny if not for the whole “fate of American democracy” thing.
Sure, the Democrats are Doctor Evil and his minions. But the Republicans are literally Hitler and the nazis.
Vote accordingly.
Because they think they’re helping stand on other people’s necks, and that’s just fine in their book.
Then they act all surprised with the “I never thought the leopards would eat my face!” when it happens.
I thought he was going to sonic the mine and get on with the episode, but when I realised where things were going, the answer is simple - the sonic was in his pocket, but he couldn’t move to get it (or get Ruby to retrieve it) because that would shift his weight too much and set the mine off.
There’s something upsetting about how the heads get more disproportionate the further back they go…
Counterpoint - if people don’t need to take crappy jobs just to afford food and shelter, those jobs will have to provide better pay and conditions to get employees.
Also, if more people can afford to get further education, you’ll get more doctors and engineers and high skilled workers, because they’ll be able to do the training instead of getting several minimum wage jobs just to support their families.
I’ve said it before - any society that can afford billionaires can afford to feed, clothe, shelter and provide basic medical care to all is members, it’s just choosing not to.
Nice try, but no, the correct response was “I got better…”
A newt?
It’s better than Meta’s data-scraping WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. At the time I moved to it, it was more user friendly than Signal.
Assuming of course you don’t mean sending an actual telegram, because I don’t live in the early 1900s when that was cool.
“2020 election loser”
Prediction: the next amendment they try is getting rid of the term limits amendment…