I truly don’t understand how an adult can listen to that and go yeah that’s my guy
I truly don’t understand how an adult can listen to that and go yeah that’s my guy
Why would dems move to protect IVF instead of do nothing until repubs agree to protect women’s life’s?
Better start protesting outside IVF clinics then considering they destroy unused embryos.
An excellent book to check out is They Thought They Were Free, it’s basically interviews with Germans right after WW2 about the rise of nazism.
That is scary AF!!
Medicare advantage is some bullshit I do not understand why people sign up for it, I guess it’s great if you never have to use it.
Wouldn’t all bayonets leave horrific wounds?
Wish they had this same attitude towards Ted “fucks pre teens” Nugent
Why negotiate with the GOP if they just go back on their word every single time
Bullshit, Trump doesn’t pay his bills where did the money really go?
Exactly, someone should make shirts with a bud that says come and take it.
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How do 1%ers hear this and not immediately pull campaign funding, what would a civil war do to the US economy. When a nation with the most guns in the world has people starving what do they think is gonna happen. I guess they are counting on being kings in the aftermath or that Jesus will come back or something.
To be fair you usually learn about carpet baggers in high school.
His face is the kind of smug that screams he’s never had to face any consequences for his actions in his life.
Your right Donnie it’s not if it was America you would have been held in contempt long ago.
Wasn’t she trying to push a book she just wrote, it’s been a while since watching but thought I remember her trying to peddle something.