More like rare bill burr w
I now see the following: „Gulf of Mexico (Gulf of America)“
I’m in Europe. Yes, there’s a version per country (or at least there are multiple versions), but this change is also made for places that will continue to call it Gulf of Mexico. Its annoying.
It’s a multiple choice question. Also the headline is false. The question is:
“What action relating to the state of Israel is prohibited in Germany?"
The correct answer is “publicly calling for the destruction of Israel".
That headline is false. You do not have to affirm Israel’s right to exist.
You have to know that it’s illegal to call for the destruction of the state of Israel. That’s not the same.
You call them police proceedings, but it’s the public prosecutor’s office (Staatsanwaltschaft) that is calling the shots. Regardless, the article also states that two of the highest courts called the Verwaltungsgerichte have decided that the phrase isn’t illegal per se.
Of course it is illegal in the context of glorifying Hamas terrorism, as it should be. That also puts a responsibility on organisers of protests to make sure that they distance themselves from people who are ambiguous in their distancing from hamas, that’s a positive thing in my opinion.
I’m not denying my privilege, but I’d argue that I’m more aware of my biases than you appear to be
Nope, not true. Stop spreading misinformation just because you want to get public praise.
You will not automatically get deported, but it will be made easier to deport foreigners who are praising terrorism. There’s a big difference. You always have legal recourse against this.
That’s important because the phrase “from the river to the sea” is not illegal praise of terrorism in Germany, even if you may have heard so from your equally misinformed bubble. While its use shows that the person saying has a big problem with accepting that a complex situation will certainly not be reflected in a catchy sentence, and that it may be time for that person to just excuse them from a discussion they are very likely not a part of, it is not illegal.
Why? Because courts will have to make the decision whether its use in a specific context was illegal, and more often than not it won’t be.
Can’t blame anyone but yourself if you use Google tbh
I replied to the wrong comment
Glad to see procrastination got the better of him
My iPad has 3GB RAM and honestly that’s enough. I don’t know what you do on your tablet, but for my everyday activities I have never felt limited
Yeah, I got that. What I wanted to express is that likely the opposite would happen. People just want cheap shit and don’t care about enshittification.
Ah yes, we can see in Libya how well this worked out
From the article:
These days, TV makers hardly make any money with their physical products. Roku’s FY 2023 earnings report shows that the company lost $44 million on the sale of smart TVs, streaming players and other devices in 2023. What brings in the bacon are ads and services; Roku generated a gross profit of nearly $1.6 billion with this business segment.
Interesting. I could have sworn I read that it’s not required, but I can’t find it any of. I stand corrected.
Don’t know if you’re joking, but just to be safe: no need for a filter
edit: apparently I was wrong
Just don’t do it in Germany or you’ll end up paying a lot more