Spot the difference:
No IPTV is not a crime
No, IPTV is not a crime
Post title should add a comma.
Spot the difference:
No IPTV is not a crime
No, IPTV is not a crime
Post title should add a comma.
Depending on what you want to scape, that’s a lot of overkill and overcomplication. Full website testing frameworks may not be necessary to scrape. Python with it’s tooling and package management may not be necessary.
I’ve recently extracted and downloaded stuff via Nushell.
For me, my command line terminal and scripting language of choice is Nushell:
let $html = http get ''
let $meta = $html | query web --query '#infobox .title, #infobox .tags' | | { title: $in.0.0 tags: $in.1.0 }
let $content = $html | query web --query 'main img' --attribute data-src
$meta | save meta.json
1..30 | each {|x| http get $'$x).jpg' | save $'($x).jpg'; sleep 100ms }
Depending on the tools you use, it’ll be quite similar or very different.
Selenium is an entire web-browser driver meaning it does a lot more and has a more extensive interface because of it; and you can talk to it through different interfaces and languages.
There are website services where you both stay online and transfer directly.
There could be direct peer to peer transfer tools that are more robust.
If you want to go through a file transfer/hoster
There’s some more, those are the top two in my bookmarks.
You’d do good of encrypting/7z-passwording if you don’t want others to see the content, just to make sure not to have to trust the hoster.
In 2021, YouTube announced that it had invested “hundreds of millions of dollars” to create content management tools, of which Content ID quickly emerged as the platform’s go-to solution to detect and remove copyrighted materials.
Content ID was introduced in 2021? Only 3 years ago? I thought it was significantly older.
Dunno if they meant something different or typoed the year.
I clicked here like you suggested, but it didn’t play on YouTube /s
I as a Muslim, do not believe in patenting ideas already, because you can’t deny copying ideas. But most Muslims don’t know about this, unless they actively ask this question.
I’m confused. What does that have to do with being a Muslim?
[neither nor] is following the Patent law when it comes to things when it really matters
What do you mean?
How does/can dialogue, education, and respect include intolerance? Isn’t intolerance inherently disrespectful, uneducated, and non-dialogue?
will never be a reliable way to truly archive something
I think they’re doing a damn fine job archiving something, and in reliable ways too
Court and lawyers has a much higher cost before court than arbitration. That goes for both their customers and themselves.
Citing the username alone should be enough. The email address is explicitly named for this use case only.
It does not detect is as definite malware, but their trained AI engine seems to conclude or hallucinate a high likelihood. Which may or may not be true.
We, you, and they can’t tell from this alone. For a definite answer, a deeper analysis will have to be made.