Accurate, but be careful because once you go 2+ hours outside of Portland, OR you will likely find yourself once again among cognitively challenged folks…
Accurate, but be careful because once you go 2+ hours outside of Portland, OR you will likely find yourself once again among cognitively challenged folks…
Any master craftsman will tell you they are nothing without their tools.
Well that is concerning…
Thank you, I was hoping someone would like this!
Unholy guacamole, and that mouth looks like the pits!
It could be that anyone with that level of liquid assets available knows that a “loan” will never be paid back - it was PROVEN that the Trump Org engaged in fraudulent activity, so the appeal is just to try to gain some time. Anyone who puts up cash pending the appeal will definitely lose it once the process confirms what the courts have already ruled.
Thank you for this fun and informative post! I appreciate the process details you’ve included, and can’t wait to try it out!
Boeing seems to largely have gone downhill due to a merger which changed the company culture, and chasing profits via stock buy-backs instead of investing in the company operations. It’s unclear but unlikely that Airbus is experiencing the same issues.
Joh Oliver did a great segment on it: Last Week Tonight - Boeing
It sounds like lunch may be paid, but the time isn’t mandated. Waiting for a new lot to roll in? Scarf down a sandwich in 7 minutes, get paid for it, and get yer arse back on the line, peasant. You can eat your chips while bolting together widgets. (I have no idea, just a guess.)
Getting to experience improved mental health thanks to having a private quiet place you can think and relax? What a weirdo… (That sounds amazing, I’ll take two!)
Beautiful take on the Arrogant Worms classic! <3
For sure, Ross’ Game Dungeon is amazing and one of my favorite things to watch!
Ross Scott posts his content on Accursed Farms for anyone interested!
ICQ… Now there’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time. I used to use the crap out of that service, but I can’t for the life of me recall what killed it anymore than I can recall migrating from AIM.
Thank you for collecting all this information in one place, it is appreciated! Does a website or blog exist where this information is posted and updated? If not, there should be.
You can disagree without being rude you absolute muppet.
Don’t forget the “fix” Sony offered after they were initally caught was an even MORE invasive rootkit. 🫠
When a car crashes, there’s usually a magnitude less people impacted then when a plane crashes. But you know what? Air travel is still much, much safer than car travel. Large but infrequent incidents can be much less dangerous than smaller but more common incidents in the aggregate.