The new Starter Kit is out and about now. I grabbed one a few weeks ago for my step-son. Are you able to find that in stock? It seemed pretty good from my quick scan.
Astronomer & video game data scientist with repressed anger
The new Starter Kit is out and about now. I grabbed one a few weeks ago for my step-son. Are you able to find that in stock? It seemed pretty good from my quick scan.
Yeah. The Bidens are safe. The assailant is under arrest. Nobody’s dog got shot.
It’s obvious why this is a confusing outcome.
They 100% think of it as a lever that makes expenses disappear. They’re often just a little bit surprised when it results in labour disappearing along side the expenses, though.
Importantly, though, this kind of dehumanizing language is purposeful, and it’s extremely harmful. It makes it easier for management to treat people’s livelihoods and lives as disposable.
Keep in mind that “human resources” (sometimes called “human capital” at some especially icky places) is also one of these dehumanizing terms. Treating people as resources that are available to use or process is really gross, and that’s literally the name of the department.
And yet it still has a bunch of ads for PC+ littered throughout it. Despite being grandfathered in, I abandoned it earlier this year for Podcast Republic, which hasn’t spammed me or locked me out of any features I’ve tried to play with despite not having paid them anything.
Honestly, I’d take a woody window to replace the clear glass overlooking the scenic parking lot outside literally any of the apartments I’ve ever lived in.
Holy shit, someone that actually likes that aural abomination?
Are you the reason it won’t fucking die?
Land of the Free, folks
Self checkouts tend to have a hand scanner too
I’m going to guess that this is regional or vendor specific, because I’ve literally never seen a self-checkout with a hand scanner. And if I ever did, I would expect it to transform into a broken, dangling cable within a few months.
Meanwhile, stores all but stop manning existing checkouts, forcing everyone to line up to check out their own stuff.
In business, all data are vanity metrics. If they make you look good, you slap that shit on everything; if they make you look bad, you “don’t have it”.
It’s just that sometimes you can use negative data to make decisions that look good to those above you, and sometimes you know that you can’t.
Yeah, I’m wounded by the commission omission of Cape Breton. But I think it’s just that there’s nothing dubious about our islands.
Edit: Sausage fingers and rogue autocorrect.
So, the article this is pulling from is a 2003 academic paper on class, race, and gender representation in American sitcoms. It’s not an LLM produced bit of of insanity, nor is it someone who has never watched the show saying something unknowingly unintelligible.
It’s a joke. Some dry humour, possibly put in there to see if peer reviewers had any idea about the then current television sitcom landscape.
if abusive admins on a power trip will just arbitralily wipe my stuff “accidentially” whenever they feel like.
You’ve jumped to a lot of conclusions here.
You’re using a website that’s operated by volunteers, that’s seen a ton of abuse from spammers and bots, that’s run on software that’s pre-version-1 and that lacks advanced mod tools, and that likely has an admin team that’s using some hacked together third party scripts or tools to try and identify bad actors. It’s not only possible, but entirely reasonable, that one of those tools may have falsely identified you as a spam account, and someone either just ran a script that banned a bunch of people, or got into a flow state and just hit the wrong button out of habit.
Pointing fingers and accusing others of bad behaviour out of pure speculation while you’re both stomping your feet and having a fit because you feel hurt while simultaneously telling others that the lens they’re using is “pure speculation” is… Not productive, to put it mildly.
This is Elon Musk erasure.
“Embarrassingly parallelizable” is just the term for a process that can be perfectly paralleled.
The current boom is an embarrassingly parallel task meeting an architecture designed to run that kind of task.
Plus organizations outside of the FAANGs having hit critical mass on data that’s actually useful for mass comparison multiple correlation analyses, and data as a service platforms making things seem sexier to management in those organizations.
Not explicitly, maybe, but implicitly, absolutely, and in multiple ways:
In so, so many ways, people say they prefer the latter over the former. Usually just with the caveat that the homeless people also be invisible.
violated the district’s dress code
hair fell below his eyebrows and ear lobes
I’m sorry, but WTF? Are they mandating everyone dress like skinheads or what?
Being popular and being a good game are completely different things. Being fun and being a good game are different things. Being useful and being a good game are different things.
I’m not making a value judgement on whether 5e is likeable. I like 5e. It’s just that it’s not a complete and coherent experience.
Argument ad populum doesn’t change that.
Huh. I asked it to make me a level 5 Wizard for PF2e, and it spit out… python code to generate one myself???