What does it mean and whats the context? Actually curious as an ignorant non spanish speaking EU person.
Finnish oddovert
What does it mean and whats the context? Actually curious as an ignorant non spanish speaking EU person.
Niven in general is an excellent writer and a great worldbuilder, I highly recommend pretty much all of his works.
There’s also a Larry Niven sci fi novel that sort of revolves around potassium in many points of the story. I really like it, I’ve re-read it a few times.
Also to add to this comment: as a general reminder to those not in the know, Filterlists exists. It contains useful different filterlists for different use cases, for many adblocking software (but of course Ublock origin is the best).
There’s also a lot of other materiel written about Roman and Southern European slave trade during roman times and after the post-roman collapse in the so called dark ages.
Humans have been kinda the worst for most of history, pretty much everywhere.
Reading a Finnish historian’s book based on his studies about slave trade in Eastern Europe, Finland and Karelia during the middle ages. No english title or translation, that I know of, but I’ll try to translate it:
Korpela, Jukka. 2014. Idän orjakauppa keskiajalla - Ihmisryöstöt Suomesta ja Karjalasta. SKS, Helsinki.
Korpela, Jukka. 2014. Eastern slave trade in the middle ages - Abduction of people from Finland and Karelia. SKS, Helsinki.
Suomi melkein mainittu, tavataan sit torilla!