Yes for the pointing to a wall.
You can go with your firewall I don’t mind. I don’t get why you think this had anything to do with security. This is just to get any software to go offline by default.
Yes for the pointing to a wall.
You can go with your firewall I don’t mind. I don’t get why you think this had anything to do with security. This is just to get any software to go offline by default.
Yes indeed. For now you can just use wine registry option (from the up arrow next to the wine glass) to open the windows registry.
The you go in CURRENT_USER (don’t remember the full name, on my phone right now) and something like software/windows/current_version/internet_settings . There you should have a “ProxyEnable” you can switch the value from 0 to 1 (just double click). Then right click to add a “string value” and name it “ProxyServer”. Once created double click on it to change its value to something wrong like “http://bla.local:80”.
You can check internet by running exe from the wine environment (up arrow next to play) and start internet explorer from c_drive/Program Data
NEDO is a big public institution for renewable energy research. The budget is ~500M$ a year and they bet a lot in hydrogen : (