It definitely makes you laugh once you see it.
It definitely makes you laugh once you see it.
Yes, i have seen it happen several times and i get blamed why its not showing on the show laptop. The moment i ask, “did you purchase any add on effects?” i feel like a customer service telling a customer your credit card was denied.
As someone who works with tech, here is my 2 cents on basic knowledge.
If your computer is “not working” restarting the computer can generally fix 80 percent of the issues. We are not trying to make you mad, this is literraly first thing I am doing if you present me a problem.
Stop downloading things from unknown sources.
Use generic effects/fonts on your powerpoint. Just because you bought something cool doesnt mean it will magically transfer when you pass your presnetation to another computer for your presentation. (Microsoft does not migrate your paid effects)
For gamers Stop playing pvp on your pc/console on wifi, are you a mad?
Everyone in general We are at an age of computers. Learn how to type, it will save you tremendous amount of time, literally.
Thats a stupid decision to have a dictionary as a subscription.
I had that key organizer, loved it that you can expand in case you got more keys but they can get bulky quick. I gave it to someone who had more keys than mine since i wanted to try an offbrand (clone) since the keysmart started becoming mainstream brand.
Thats good, congrats, it does get difficult to start an actual friendship, there are a lot of people i talk with but I dont use friends as those relationships because it hasnt evolved to that aspect. Maintaining them is very important though, otherwise one side can get burnt out with putting in more of the effort. All the best to your continued success.