Juice [none/use name]

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: May 27th, 2022


  • How is the Cradle as far as good quality left journos go? I’ve been collecting receipts on most of the articles mentioned here so its not a matter of whether I believe this article, I’d pieced it together (although I’m looking forward to translating the article that demonstrates that the Hannibal protocol was officially ordered; the last I read was Al Jazeera speculating that maybe it was but it hadn’t been official policy in a long time,) but I’m just a guy who does political organizing and the last thing I feel like dealing with is someone motivated by me confronting them with this article due to their past comments, or even well-meaning but muddle headed comrades, throwing it back at me that its a bad source periodical, and showing some goofy article about time travel or something

  • Its probably like it is in other places, there are more or less historically accurate “left” views that go unreported, completely bias mass media pushing the imperialist line, and popular media that appeals to petite bourg and aspirational, effite workers that pushes a propagandized version of history that is somewhere in the middle.

    I forget where I heard/read it, so idk sources, but like Yeonmi Park is on a South Korean reality show akin to “real housewives” drivel. And as we know when she comes here she feeds the pigs, “we had to eat rats and dirt,” but on the reality show she is like, “The communists took away my family’s rental properties” which is probably true. They can’t pull the same ridiculous bullshit there, because most people have lived experiences that would contradict her lies. So they tell like a very varnished and bias version of the truth, to people who (for example) would be very upset at the prospect of losing rental income or even like a small business or something. To the oppressor, that is those who benefit from oppression and colonization, making things fair and equal is, to them, the same as being oppressed.

  • Oh I have a good one. I worked at a paint store for like 15 years. One day, this guy drives up in a Mercedes, wearing a Burberry scarf, and asks me for “Black Marine Paint.” We were a housepaint store so I told him we didn’t have it, we didn’t sell paint for boats, and what was he wanting to paint. He said he wanted to paint his front door, and the doors at Buckingham palace are painted with black marine paint, and did I know what he meant. I said I didn’t know about the doors on Buckingham palace, and he indignantly says, “What?! It famous like the doors of the White House!” I told him I wasn’t familiar with the doors of the white house either.

    But I start showing him some oil based paint and he seems happy with it. He’s about to buy when he asks what he should do to strip the paint off of his door, since its latex and this new paint is oil. His eyes narrow and he skeptically asks me, “can you put latex over oil?” I said sure, if you use a primer. He gets real angry and, as two new customers walk in, screams, “You’re a fucking idiot!” storms out and gets into his Mercedes which the two women had parked beside.

    They give me a look, I shrug and walk over to help them pick out colors. When they are done they go out to there car, but a minute later come back and ask me I I knew the guy, and to come outside.

    Someone, I presume the Burberry guy, had kicked in the door to their car, leaving a huge foot shaped dent. I assume he thought it was my car or something.

    I’ve definitely had bad experiences at that job, but that entitled freak stands out to in my memory years later