@thegiddystitcher @Aarrodri The hardest bit is understanding and being able to follow a pattern in the right way!
Retired nurse. Studied #geology, BScHons. Large collection of #rocks. Love #gardening, #knitting, #sewing, #reading, #painting, #writing, #talking, #silence; #thinking and seeing friends. Walked thousands of miles in UK, France. Choose hols somewhere remote. Love #OS maps and books. Cancer survivor 10yrs. Offences not intended. Bi. All real science enthralling. Help others cos I can. Fighting despair. Shocked by family secrets. Alone, not lonely. Always ask awkward questions. Reality based.
@thegiddystitcher @Aarrodri The hardest bit is understanding and being able to follow a pattern in the right way!
@thegiddystitcher @Timecircleline If that’s what your psyche is telling you to do then that’s what’s needed…it’ll make you feel better I’m sure…plus, it’ll be useful not just ornamental. I’ll provide other justifications if you need them…